Last night, under the influence of a terror campaign by Obama and his British and Wall Street backers, a majority of the US House of Representative signed off on a Hitler coup against the U.S. Constitution. Under this coup, the Congress will, as a first step, no longer have the power to decide on matters of spending—a specific violation of Section 1 of the nation's governing document. And that's just the beginning.
The specific measure which will eliminate the power of the Legislative Branch, is called by Obama the "Super-Congress." The SuperCongress will be composed of a 12-person board drawn from the Senate and the House, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. This board's immediate mandate would be to decide upon $1.5 trillion in budget cuts, both from entitlements (Social Security and Medicare) and defense. The proposals are required to be submitted by Nov. 23 of this year—and to be submitted to an up or down vote, with no filibuster allowed, within the month.
If the cuts are not agreed to, a so-called "enforcement" mechanism kicks in, which automatically triggers the $1.5 trillion in cuts, with alleged protections for Social Security Medicare beneficiaries, and the poor.
In other words, regardless of what the Congress decides, the cuts worked out by Obama and his cronies go into effect! Obama has made the Congress irrelevant.
With these provisions, Obama and his British backers are attempting to fill the loopholes in their previous attempted coup through the Catfood Commission. When that Commission failed to agree on a cut package to be submitted to Congress, the cuts died on the vine. Not this time, if Obama gets his way.
The Obama SuperCongress measure directly mirrors the Hitler Enabling Law (Ermaechtigungsgesetz) of March 1933, by which the German Reichstag "democratically" voted to give Hitler emergency powers by passing the "Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich," which gave Hitler the right to govern on his own, and in contravention to the Constitution, without consulting the parliament for a period of four years.
How was it done? The parliamentarians "made a deal"...
Perhaps I was asleep, or have amnesia, or maybe I was abducted by aliens, but I don't remember ever having elected a Super Congress. However, apparently there will be a committee of twelve that will effectively run our country... This "Super Congress" of twelve will recommend cuts that will basically go unchallenged. They must make their recommendations by Thanksgiving, then the congress must have up or down votes with no changes. A simple yes or no vote to enact new law with vast implications on the lives of every American. That this group will be appointed and not elected is bad enough, but if their cuts hopefully done with a scalpel are not voted in, there will be a trigger that takes effect and makes even more draconian cuts, most likely with a butcher knife or ax.
R.W. Sanders, The Huffington Post: "The Super Congress We Did Not Elect."
The dead body politic in Washington is transforming itself in front of our eyes into a new dictatorial machine that is responsive to the private will of a few international banks and monopolistic corporations, not the will of the American people.
By setting up a parapolitical structure above Congress called the "Super Congress," the traitors in Washington on both sides of the aisle are taking the invisible mask off of the shadow totalitarian government that they've constructed from behind the scenes in the past several decades. This hidden criminal government in Washington is responsible for the 9/11 attacks along with a similar rogue structure in Israel. The face of this evil tyrannical monster confirms all our original impressions which we gained at a distance, in the darkness of contemporary reality...
This new dictatorial and artificial body called the Super Congress is illegal, unwanted, and alien to the American Constitution, like Washington's shadow militaristic government. It is shaping up to be the attic of the House, haunted and spooky, where dirty secrets and rotten deals will be made and guarded by a gang of crooks... The Super Congress's super powers will be used to get rid of the Second Amendment to totally deny the American people any means to recover their rights, pass unpopular and unconstitutional immigration laws, give more of the American people's money to the big criminal banks on Wall Street, raise new taxes on the middle class, declare a national emergency, officially suspend the Constitution, and generally make life for the American people a living hell.
There would be no difference if Stalin arose from the grave, and joined together with Mao to conquer America and then set up a super governmental structure in Washington that reports directly to them and does their bidding.
Gun Owners of America chief Larry Pratt warns that the new “Super Congress” created by the debt deal will lead America into dictatorship, labeling the move a “coup d’état” by the political class aimed at transforming the entire structure of government in the United States.
Comparing the super committee to Plato’s council, Pratt pointed out that it would take just 34 Senate votes to sustain a bill put forward by the group, noting that it has been set up specifically to prevent lawmakers getting in the way of its agenda by necessitating a super majority to overturn anything introduced by the committee.
“The first act of the next Congress hopefully is going to be to repeal this horrible piece of legislation, Pratt told the Alex Jones Show, adding that the committee could be used to target gun owners, property owners, taxpayers and businesses.
“This is a game changer, they’ve decided that we don’t need the House of Representatives to originate revenue bills, we’ll just have the ‘super 12′ do that,” said Pratt, adding that Barack Obama would become the de facto deciding 13th member.
Legislation decided on by the Super Congress would be immune from amendment and lawmakers would only be able to register an up or down vote, eliminating the ability to filibuster.
Pratt warned that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell would appoint “wusses” to the committee, a point emphasized by reports which indicate lawmakers who voted against the debt hike will be barred from selection for the Super Congress. Just two weeks ago McConnell himself argued that the power of the purse, constitutionally ascribed to Congress, should be turned over wholesale to Barack Obama.
“They’re going to put ‘reasonable people’ on there – and these reasonable people will be the ones that continue to lead us into dictatorship,” said the Gun Owners chief, adding that the move represented a coup d’état by the ruling political class, who are now busy characterizing those who oppose their agenda as “terrorists”.
Американское политбюро материализовалось перед нами. Да, наш Конгресс является результатом двухпартийной системы (демократов и республиканцев), и на первый взгляд не сильно похож на однопартийную советскую систему, но давайте взглянем на столь надоедливые вещи, как факты.
Административные решения уже заменяют законы как первостепенные механизмы управления. Вы лишь посмотрите на количество постановлений, которые исходят от Агентства охраны окружающей среды, Министерства юстиции, Министерства национальной безопасности и прочее. Неизбранные чиновники (то есть, безответственные перед обществом) по всей стране производят законы, которым мы должны следовать или ожидать какое-то наказание, без того, чтобы эти законы был изучены на предмет защиты наших интересов теми, кого мы избрали для защиты наших интересов и для защиты конституции Соединенных Штатов Америки. Кстати, управление - это не правительство, в американском понимании слова «власть». Управление, проще говоря, это управление.
Многие большие и средние города в США создали Советы по устойчивому развитию, Советы по городскому развитию, Советы по транспорту, Советы по экономическому развитию, и Совет, потом еще Совет, и Советом погоняет. В большинстве советов США членов назначают, а не выбирают.
А что такое совет? В Советском Союзе постановления выпускались локальными советами, региональными советами и национальным советом. Стоит отметить, что речь не идет о государственном совете. Советы были ответственны за регионы. Регионы не имели политических границ, потому для любых целей и предложений было региональное управление, которое существовало вне политической структуры, не избиралось и не отчитывалось.
Сегодня мы видим, как многие законы, через законодательство или административные распоряжения, стремятся к регионализму в Америке. Советы в Америке уже реальность – неизбираемые советы, и они приходят в ваш регион...
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