Я вовсе не собираюсь комментировать тот тяжелый бред, касающийся Ливии, который сегодня идет со всех экранов и несется из всех микрофонов. Уже и так понятно, что там, фактически, началась наземная операция НАТО, что контролируемые НАТО силы совершают массовые убийства и осуществляют геноцид мирного населения, что в информационном поле, что картинки, которые передают так называемые «информационные агентства» практически полностью постановочные и к реальности отношения не имеют, и так далее, и тому подобное. В конце концов, в интернете можно найти и правду касательно событий в Ливии. Я хочу остановиться на совершенно другом обстоятельстве.
События в Ливии показали, что сегодня, после ликвидации альтернативного глобального проекта, для элиты «Западного» проекта нет ни закона, ни чести, ни совести (совести, впрочем, у них никогда не было, это специфика этого проекта). Точнее, он действует только для «своих», которых становится все меньше и меньше. И вот здесь возникает принципиальный вопрос: почему все участники экономической деятельности считают, что их ждет иная судьба, чем граждан Ливии?
Потому что они привыкли жить хорошо? Ну, так и жители Ливии тоже привыкли – теперь будут отвыкать, причем вряд ли на жизни нынешнего поколения счастье вернется. НАТО вряд ли остановится – убить Каддафи и уничтожить память обо всех его положительных деяниях теперь для них вопрос жизни или смерти, а потенциал Ливии и НАТО несоизмеримы. А убитых и раненых (которых скрыть не получится) «спишут» на Афганистан, Ирак или пару-тройку авиационных катастроф.
Потому что они «свои»? А с чего, собственно, они это взяли? Эмигранты из Африки и Азии тоже рвались в Европу, чтобы их записали в «свои». Сегодня уже почти понятно, что дело кончится для них плохо – во многих странах Европы почти неизбежно возвращения крайнего национализма, возможно в форме фашизма. В конце концов, в 30-е годы от Балтики до Черного моря в Европе был фашизм, он вполне укладывается в «европейские ценности», а экономический кризис сейчас будет посильнее, чем тогда, когда безработица достигала жалких 40% активного населения...
Повторю еще раз, поскольку тема это не просто важная, а очень важная. На протяжение многих десятилетий, пока «Западный» глобальный проект расширялся, он мог себе позволить и расширение своей элиты и «допущенных» до денег, у которых создавались, в том числе, за счет работы мощнейшей пропагандистской машины, ощущение, что они «свои». Теперь все изменилось – и все эти люди, миллионы людей, будут самым циничным образом кинуты. Причем та же пропагандистская машина будет им объяснять, что это не результат целенаправленной политики, а их личные проблемы, связанные с тем, что они внезапно и неожиданно стали «лузерами». Видимо, сон им приснился плохой или съели что-нибудь ...
Я предлагаю рассматривать этот текст как предупреждение тем, кто считал свою жизнь последние десятилетия успешной. Сравните свою жизнь с жизнью граждан Ливии, которые тоже считали, что нефть – их общая и им принадлежит соответствующая часть доходов от этой нефти. Так вот – вас ждет то же самое, причем в самое ближайшее время. И если вы не хотите стать жертвой разных неприятностей – действовать нужно уже сейчас. И не говорите потом, что вас не предупреждали!
М. Хазин
NATO's mandate ends in September and without a victory, real or imagined, Libya will become a tactical and political defeat. If NATO can feign victory long enough, they can circumvent UNSC r.1973's constraints and begin expanding their presence on the ground in Libya which really will forever topple Qaddafi. By exposing the lies of NATO and its corporate-financier backers, by exposing to the world the true agenda and despicable personalities lurking behind this bloodbath, by exposing the truth behind the rebels' real associations, the alternative media has an opportunity to, if not balk the invasion of Libya, at least make it obvious to the world what an overt, monstrous crime against humanity it is. Force the monsters to show their true colors and expose the A-Z lies peddled to the public before they try a repeat performance in Syria and beyond.
While the fates of both Libya and Syria and the destruction of their sovereignty by a growing global empire may not seem important today, each victory for this global corporate-fascist monstrosity gives it increasing strength to impose its will upon you when the time comes, where ever you may live.
два месеца по-късно:
За бурными дебатами о смерти или жизни Каддафи, за многочисленными соболезнованиями или бурными восторгами по этому поводу совершенно потерялся факт, который рассказывает о будущем на порядок больше.
Информационное пространство таково, что даже обладая всеми ресурсами мира и полным контролем над СМИ закрыть его наглухо невозможно. А значит невозможно спрятать и то, что творила в Ливии последнюю неделю авиация НАТО. Применение вакуумных бомб и тотальная зачистка от мирного населения непокорившихся агрессорам городов и селений говорят тоько об одном. НАТО уже все равно, как и что будет воспринято в мире.
Очевидно, время настолько поджимает, что уже не до операций прикрытия и поиска оправдательных объяснений. Машина смерти запущена на полную катушку. В этой связи совершенно бессмысленными становятся рассуждения о том, ударит НАТО по Сирии или Ирану или даже когда именно оно это сделает.
Дан старт ликвидации гражданского общества и независимых институтов по всему миру. Грядет эра тотальной диктатуры и деспотизма. Только гарантиями собственной безнаказанности, только полной уверенности в том, что за то, что уже произошло буквально завтра спросить будет некому, можно объяснить столь варварские методы установления своего права на "победу". Это означает, что уже завтра мы можем проснуться в мире, где не только в далекой Ливии, а по всей Европе и самих США загремят выстрелы, сметающие всех несогласных с "новым мировым порядком".
И в этой связи момент истины наступает для нашей власти. Продолжение демагогии о демократии, свободах и "партнерах" на Западе более невозможно. Или наша власть сможет найти в себе силы и, осознав происходящее, отречется от всего, что творила последние годы и повернувшись лицом к народу попробует за оставшееся время (очень небольшое) восстановить обороноспособность нашей страны, или полностью разделит ответственность за все кровавые злодеяния "демократического Запада". А наша земля вздрогнет от вакуумных бомб "победоносной западной демократии". Время решать.
около година по-рано:
...В 2005 году Роберт Гейтс, наравне с другими высокопоставленными людьми, вовлеченными в управление страной (как республиканцами, так и демократами), принял участие в военной игре, названной "Oil Shockwaves". Игра заключалась в моделировании последствий серьезного падения мировой добычи нефти, примерно на 5%.
Как в 1973?
Даже хуже. Они анализировали последствия и пришли к выводу, что все это грозит крайне серьезными проблемами для экономики. Когда они обратили внимание на существующие варианты решения этой проблемы, то оказалось, что таковых не существует. Волшебной палочки не нашлось. Они даже рассматривали военные интервенции на Ближнем Востоке как способ что-то изменить. И в общих чертах пришли к выводу о безвыходности ситуации. (а FEMA стала строить лагеря, закупать пластиковые мешки и патроны – d.)
Что вы можете рассказать о Джеймсе Шлезингере: как давно он в курсе возможного сокращения предложения нефти?
Он был обеспокоен проблемой пика нефти еще с тех пор, как прочел работы Кинга Хабберта в 60-х годах. Это произошло до того, как он стал советником по обороне в администрации Ричарда Никсона и Джеральда Форда.
И потом все эти знаменитые выступления Джимми Картера по поводу зависимости США от импорта нефти…
Да, за ними стоял Джеймс Шлезингер в качестве советника Картера по вопросам энергетики. Кроме того, в обсуждениях участвовал адмирал Риковер, отец американского ядерного флота. Вот к чему я клоню: я думаю, что Министерство обороны достаточно независимо от Белого дома и может себе позволить говорить вещи вроде тех, что можно найти в отчетах, упоминаемых тобой в блоге.
Кроме того, многие люди считают, что вторжение США в Ирак было связано прежде всего с нефтью.
Не думаю, что дела обстояли именно так, но это хороший вопрос.
Пентагон, Чатем-Хаус, даже немецкая армия: теперь, когда мы имеем такого рода источники, говорящие о том, что мы, возможно, близки к сокращению мировой добычи нефти, что вы думаете об уровне осведомленности наших правительств по поводу пика нефти? Добыча в США сокращается уже 40 лет (это уже не соответствует действительности – d.), Китай агрессивно выстраивает свою цепь поставок и т.д.
Я полагаю, что в случае Соединенных Штатов есть группа людей в правительстве, которая понимает суть проблемы. Не думаю, что их много. Можно сказать, что существует заговор молчания по поводу этой проблемы.
А как обстоят дела в других странах?
В Соединенном Королевстве, полагаю, правительство не понимает этой проблемы. Думаю, так обстоят дела во многих странах. Просто все эти дела, связанные с нефтяными месторождениями, находятся по ту сторону опыта большинства людей.
Как вы справляетесь с тем, что вы описали как блокирование Администрацией США тематики пика нефти?
Мы продолжаем работать, вот так и справляемся!
Но были ли вы расстроены, потрясены или, быть может, напуганы?
Я не был удивлен, поскольку если вы некоторое время размышляете на тему пика нефти и достаточно умны, то поймете, что мир движется к катастрофе. Речь идет об огромном ущербе, это главный вызов нашей цивилизации. Хаос, экономические потрясения, войны, все те вещи, которые, как я говорил, очень сложны, не линейны. Очень плохие вещи. А люди не любят плохих известий.
вторник, 23 август 2011 г.
неделя, 21 август 2011 г.
Пет месеца от началото на войната
Има ли изобщо "бойци на опозицията" в Либия?
Капитан ливийских вооруженных сил Хасан Д.: «Идет бой, и никакого взятия Триполи не было. Ситуация изменилась по следующим причинам: во-первых, последнюю неделю почти все боевые вылеты авиации противника были направлены исключительно против нашей ослабленной триполийской группировки. Мы вынуждены были отвлекать силы на Мисрату, Брегу и на прикрытие южного направления.
Во-вторых, противник подошел к столице только потому, что НАТО начало сухопутную операцию. Еще на прошлой неделе против нас выдвинули крупные банды иностранных наемников из так называемых ЧВК (частные военные компании — Ред.), которые вместе с мятежниками стали продвигаться под прикрытием авиации по суше.
А уже 21 августа враги предприняли комбинированную атаку с моря, суши и воздуха. Первой попыткой стал подход корабля с Мальты под предлогом эвакуации иностранцев, с которого они пытались высадить прямо в порту Триполи десант, но мы обстреляли его, и он отошел. Подряд два дня идут масштабные бомбежки, каких мы еще не видели. Нарушено энергоснабжение, телефонная связь работает с большими перебоями.
И наконец, с вечера 21 августа вертолеты противника беспрерывно высаживают десанты спецназа сил НАТО и иностранных наемников. По данным разведки, в Триполи проникли диверсионные группы британского SAS, французских GIGN и Иностранного легиона.
А утром 22 августа несколько сотен лодок высадили под прикрытием «апачей» вдоль побережья Триполи крупный десант противника, который стал быстро продвигаться вперед. Среди них были как британские и французские наемники, так и каидисты, которые безжалостно убивают жителей города и насилуют женщин. Принимаются меры для их уничтожения. Захвачены и убиты по меньшей мере несколько участников атаки, имеющих британские документы».
22 август, ок. 20 ч. българско време
«Мы пользуемся картинкой из Ливии, которую распространяют западные информационные телеагентства. Российских операторов там нет. Нам даже запретили давать картинку, которую могут прислать местные стрингеры (внештатные корреспонденты)», - рассказали «Аргументам.ру» в отделе «Города» одного из крупнейших федеральных телеканалов.
По словам выпускающего редактора канала, «буквально несколько назад нам позвонил знакомый, у которого мы раньше всегда брали картинку и короткий текст пояснения к ней и предложил бесплатно перегнать через спутник свой сюжет. Объяснил, что в центре все нормально и спокойно, на Зеленой площади нет никаких оппозиционеров, только местные жители без оружия».
«Когда я доложил об этом руководству, мне было заявлено, что «категорически берем только западный видеоматериал. Это политика!». Мне пришлось отказаться», - говорит редактор.
На другом федеральном канале «Аргументам.ру» также подтвердили, что «мы покупаем только картинку с победой оппозиции. Другие кадры брать запрещено даже бесплатно. Запрещено и брать кадры убитых, раненых во время авианалета НАТО на Триполи». Редактор подчеркнул, что с подобной цензурой не сталкивался со времен второй войны в Чечне.
22 август, ок. 17 ч. българско време
...The leading donor nations of Nato – the US, France and Great Britain – have been free to prosecute war under the cloak of this faceless, bureaucratic, alphabet security agency, now multinational war machine, which can violate UN resolutions and kill innocent civilians with impunity. War crimes trials are only for losers. The prospective conquerors, the western powers and their rebel proxies, will then expect to be able to assert control over Libya's vast oil and natural gas reserves.
The US share of the war against Libya has probably exceeded the $1bn mark. This extraordinary amount of money for an intervention that Americans were told would last "days not weeks" could only be explained by looking at the war as an investment, and at control over Libya's wealth as an opportunity to make a return on that investment. Cynical? Then tell me why else we are at war in Libya.
Viable peace proposals, such as the one put forward by the African Union (AU), have been quickly and summarily rejected. If there is going to be a peaceful resolution of the conflict, the US must work with and empower the AU to ensure regional security. The AU has proposed a peace plan that would facilitate an immediate ceasefire, the unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid, a dialogue between the Transitional National Council and the Gaddafi government, and the suspension of Nato strikes.
The use of force and ultimatums has not worked. As the war enters its sixth month, it is time for the US president and secretary of state to clean up the mess they've created with this needless military intervention, and to work to seriously to bring about a negotiated end to this war.
In June, I proposed a peace plan derived in part from the efforts of the AU. This plan calls for an immediate ceasefire and lays out the principles necessary to create a framework to achieve reconciliation and national unity in Libya by a meaningful process. In its June report on Libya, the International Crisis Group stated:
"A political breakthrough is by far the best way out of the costly situation created by the military impasse. This will require a ceasefire between the regime and the Transitional National Council, the deployment of a peacekeeping force to monitor and guarantee this under a UN mandate, and the immediate opening of serious negotiations between regime and opposition representatives to secure agreement on a peaceful transition to a new, more legitimate political order. Nato and those states supporting its military action should facilitate this development, not hinder it."
I have recently received several reports indicating that a settlement was close, only to be scuttled by state department officials. Given that the department of state seems to have taken a singular role in launching the US into this war, it is more than disconcerting to hear that the same agency has played a role in frustrating a resolution to this conflict. There are viable solutions to peacefully end the conflict, if there is a desire to do so.
Continued military action promotes a cycle of violence that will persist whether Colonel Gaddafi is ousted or not. On 19 March 2003, the United States pursued regime change in Iraq. Eight years later, we're still wondering why the people of Iraq are not sufficiently grateful for our intervention, which has resulted in the death of over 1 million of their fellow countrymen and women.
How can we expect this grim manifesto of interventionism to ever result in anything but tragedy? It's time to end the war against Libya.
хроника с илюстрации:
20 дни по-късно:
ООН превратилась в мировую диктатуру, диктатуру Совета Безопасности. Нормально ли, что из 193 стран-членов толь пять имеют право вето, позволяющее решать вопрос об интервенции?.. Происходящее в Ливии, есть ясное доказательство существования глобальной корпоративной империи, объединяющей страны, транснациональные корпорации и крупные СМИ с целью подчинения той или иной страны для последующего захвата ее природных ресурсов. Это новая форма колониализма... Пора сказать вслух, что организаторы агрессии против Ливии нуждаются не только в ее природных ресурсах. Они стремятся овладеть и валютными запасами Ливии, хранящимися как в ее, так и в зарубежных банках, поскольку эти средства помогут им выйти из кризиса.
Может быть, я плохо смотрел, - если так, пусть меня поправят, - но, по-моему, ни одно солидное "цивилизованное" СМИ не уделило внимания этому выступлению. А зря. Может статься, Кинто Лукас, замминистра иностранных дел Эквадора, - не Бог весть, какая шишка, честно говоря, - вчера навсегда вписал свое имя в историю, как первый человек, позволивший себе не смутными намеками, не в привате и не в уютном бложике, а на большом официальном мероприятии, четко и ясно, сказать, что король голый...
Капитан ливийских вооруженных сил Хасан Д.: «Идет бой, и никакого взятия Триполи не было. Ситуация изменилась по следующим причинам: во-первых, последнюю неделю почти все боевые вылеты авиации противника были направлены исключительно против нашей ослабленной триполийской группировки. Мы вынуждены были отвлекать силы на Мисрату, Брегу и на прикрытие южного направления.
Во-вторых, противник подошел к столице только потому, что НАТО начало сухопутную операцию. Еще на прошлой неделе против нас выдвинули крупные банды иностранных наемников из так называемых ЧВК (частные военные компании — Ред.), которые вместе с мятежниками стали продвигаться под прикрытием авиации по суше.
А уже 21 августа враги предприняли комбинированную атаку с моря, суши и воздуха. Первой попыткой стал подход корабля с Мальты под предлогом эвакуации иностранцев, с которого они пытались высадить прямо в порту Триполи десант, но мы обстреляли его, и он отошел. Подряд два дня идут масштабные бомбежки, каких мы еще не видели. Нарушено энергоснабжение, телефонная связь работает с большими перебоями.
И наконец, с вечера 21 августа вертолеты противника беспрерывно высаживают десанты спецназа сил НАТО и иностранных наемников. По данным разведки, в Триполи проникли диверсионные группы британского SAS, французских GIGN и Иностранного легиона.
А утром 22 августа несколько сотен лодок высадили под прикрытием «апачей» вдоль побережья Триполи крупный десант противника, который стал быстро продвигаться вперед. Среди них были как британские и французские наемники, так и каидисты, которые безжалостно убивают жителей города и насилуют женщин. Принимаются меры для их уничтожения. Захвачены и убиты по меньшей мере несколько участников атаки, имеющих британские документы».
22 август, ок. 20 ч. българско време
«Мы пользуемся картинкой из Ливии, которую распространяют западные информационные телеагентства. Российских операторов там нет. Нам даже запретили давать картинку, которую могут прислать местные стрингеры (внештатные корреспонденты)», - рассказали «Аргументам.ру» в отделе «Города» одного из крупнейших федеральных телеканалов.
По словам выпускающего редактора канала, «буквально несколько назад нам позвонил знакомый, у которого мы раньше всегда брали картинку и короткий текст пояснения к ней и предложил бесплатно перегнать через спутник свой сюжет. Объяснил, что в центре все нормально и спокойно, на Зеленой площади нет никаких оппозиционеров, только местные жители без оружия».
«Когда я доложил об этом руководству, мне было заявлено, что «категорически берем только западный видеоматериал. Это политика!». Мне пришлось отказаться», - говорит редактор.
На другом федеральном канале «Аргументам.ру» также подтвердили, что «мы покупаем только картинку с победой оппозиции. Другие кадры брать запрещено даже бесплатно. Запрещено и брать кадры убитых, раненых во время авианалета НАТО на Триполи». Редактор подчеркнул, что с подобной цензурой не сталкивался со времен второй войны в Чечне.
22 август, ок. 17 ч. българско време
...The leading donor nations of Nato – the US, France and Great Britain – have been free to prosecute war under the cloak of this faceless, bureaucratic, alphabet security agency, now multinational war machine, which can violate UN resolutions and kill innocent civilians with impunity. War crimes trials are only for losers. The prospective conquerors, the western powers and their rebel proxies, will then expect to be able to assert control over Libya's vast oil and natural gas reserves.
The US share of the war against Libya has probably exceeded the $1bn mark. This extraordinary amount of money for an intervention that Americans were told would last "days not weeks" could only be explained by looking at the war as an investment, and at control over Libya's wealth as an opportunity to make a return on that investment. Cynical? Then tell me why else we are at war in Libya.
Viable peace proposals, such as the one put forward by the African Union (AU), have been quickly and summarily rejected. If there is going to be a peaceful resolution of the conflict, the US must work with and empower the AU to ensure regional security. The AU has proposed a peace plan that would facilitate an immediate ceasefire, the unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid, a dialogue between the Transitional National Council and the Gaddafi government, and the suspension of Nato strikes.
The use of force and ultimatums has not worked. As the war enters its sixth month, it is time for the US president and secretary of state to clean up the mess they've created with this needless military intervention, and to work to seriously to bring about a negotiated end to this war.
In June, I proposed a peace plan derived in part from the efforts of the AU. This plan calls for an immediate ceasefire and lays out the principles necessary to create a framework to achieve reconciliation and national unity in Libya by a meaningful process. In its June report on Libya, the International Crisis Group stated:
"A political breakthrough is by far the best way out of the costly situation created by the military impasse. This will require a ceasefire between the regime and the Transitional National Council, the deployment of a peacekeeping force to monitor and guarantee this under a UN mandate, and the immediate opening of serious negotiations between regime and opposition representatives to secure agreement on a peaceful transition to a new, more legitimate political order. Nato and those states supporting its military action should facilitate this development, not hinder it."
I have recently received several reports indicating that a settlement was close, only to be scuttled by state department officials. Given that the department of state seems to have taken a singular role in launching the US into this war, it is more than disconcerting to hear that the same agency has played a role in frustrating a resolution to this conflict. There are viable solutions to peacefully end the conflict, if there is a desire to do so.
Continued military action promotes a cycle of violence that will persist whether Colonel Gaddafi is ousted or not. On 19 March 2003, the United States pursued regime change in Iraq. Eight years later, we're still wondering why the people of Iraq are not sufficiently grateful for our intervention, which has resulted in the death of over 1 million of their fellow countrymen and women.
How can we expect this grim manifesto of interventionism to ever result in anything but tragedy? It's time to end the war against Libya.
хроника с илюстрации:
20 дни по-късно:
ООН превратилась в мировую диктатуру, диктатуру Совета Безопасности. Нормально ли, что из 193 стран-членов толь пять имеют право вето, позволяющее решать вопрос об интервенции?.. Происходящее в Ливии, есть ясное доказательство существования глобальной корпоративной империи, объединяющей страны, транснациональные корпорации и крупные СМИ с целью подчинения той или иной страны для последующего захвата ее природных ресурсов. Это новая форма колониализма... Пора сказать вслух, что организаторы агрессии против Ливии нуждаются не только в ее природных ресурсах. Они стремятся овладеть и валютными запасами Ливии, хранящимися как в ее, так и в зарубежных банках, поскольку эти средства помогут им выйти из кризиса.
Может быть, я плохо смотрел, - если так, пусть меня поправят, - но, по-моему, ни одно солидное "цивилизованное" СМИ не уделило внимания этому выступлению. А зря. Может статься, Кинто Лукас, замминистра иностранных дел Эквадора, - не Бог весть, какая шишка, честно говоря, - вчера навсегда вписал свое имя в историю, как первый человек, позволивший себе не смутными намеками, не в привате и не в уютном бложике, а на большом официальном мероприятии, четко и ясно, сказать, что король голый...
събота, 20 август 2011 г.
Златото на Венецуела
La decisión del Gobierno venezolano y del BCV de transferir las reservas internacionales a Rusia, China y eventualmente Brasil, rompe con una consideración financiera y económica de minimizar costos en cuanto a la administración e inversión de las reservas internacionales - operativas o líquidas - mantenidas en fideicomisos libre de cualquier efecto, en bancos considerados de primera línea, incluidos los bancos centrales de USA, Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, Japón. Allí está también el BIS, banco de compensación internacional, en Basilea, Suiza, una institución financiera internacional de elevado prestigio y donde hoy se encuentran más del 50% de las reservas operativas venezolanas.
En lo que respecta al oro como componente de las reservas internacionales, en el caso venezolano, el componente más importante de las reservas operativas y no operativas se mantenía en Inglaterra, es allí es donde se certifica el oro monetario. Su certificación requiere declarar cómo y de qué se adquirió ese oro, cómo se pagó y qué precio y fecha valor se establece para su asiento. Destaquemos que Venezuela posee el 70% de sus reservas internacionales en oro, es así el único país del mundo que ha puesto a depender sus reservas de la volatilidad del precio del oro. China y Rusia con abundantes reservas internacionales tienen en oro prácticamente nada de sus reservas internacionales, 1,6% y 7,2% respectivamente, la mayor parte de sus reservas liquidas en instrumentos del tesoro americano.
En esta oportunidad la orden es transferir las reservas a Rusia y China, y ello plantea un elemento de soberanía importante, porque Rusia y China son acreedores de esquemas financieros y económicos aún no claros para el país.
Tanto el crédito chino, como otros acuerdos para compra de armas, contienen una buena dosis de opacidad y secretismo que abarca lo tecnológico, lo económico y financiero. Además hay serias dudas sobre su legalidad y constitucionalidad. Probablemente y muchos de esos acuerdos habrá que discutirlos a la luz de las leyes venezolanas en la oportunidad de cambios en los poderes públicos, como se corresponde en una democracia, con el objetivo de determinar su legalidad y constitucionalidad y conveniencia económica para Venezuela. Tanto Rusia como China son hoy importantes acreedores en ese orden, además de comportarse como "acreedores políticos e ideológicos" han fallado en el tratamiento a Venezuela como un país democrático.
Y esa circunstancia es vital para el país y la democracia para que gobiernos no firmen acuerdos sin el balance de los poderes públicos. Por ejemplo, el crédito chino, se presenta en los hechos como una "hipoteca petrolera", un crédito que hay que pagar con especie petrolera y ello vulnera la posición venezolana en el mercado petrolero. Todo ello a propósito del desconocimiento y poca transparencia que revisten esos acuerdos, por lo que se desconocen sus reales términos, particularmente lo referente a los precios, por ello no se descartan arbitrajes en el futuro y la reconsideración de esquemas financieros que exigen especies como pago.
Todo ello es por lo demás normal si los acuerdos no tienen base legal y constitucional y ese caso, ambos países corren con las consecuencias que se pudiese causar. Los poderes públicos venezolanos ajustarán las responsabilidades políticas y administrativas a que hubiera lugar. De allí que es contra natura tener las reservas internacionales en Rusia y China y siendo además un mal negocio, debilitaría considerablemente la soberanía venezolana.
En lo que respecta al oro como componente de las reservas internacionales, en el caso venezolano, el componente más importante de las reservas operativas y no operativas se mantenía en Inglaterra, es allí es donde se certifica el oro monetario. Su certificación requiere declarar cómo y de qué se adquirió ese oro, cómo se pagó y qué precio y fecha valor se establece para su asiento. Destaquemos que Venezuela posee el 70% de sus reservas internacionales en oro, es así el único país del mundo que ha puesto a depender sus reservas de la volatilidad del precio del oro. China y Rusia con abundantes reservas internacionales tienen en oro prácticamente nada de sus reservas internacionales, 1,6% y 7,2% respectivamente, la mayor parte de sus reservas liquidas en instrumentos del tesoro americano.
En esta oportunidad la orden es transferir las reservas a Rusia y China, y ello plantea un elemento de soberanía importante, porque Rusia y China son acreedores de esquemas financieros y económicos aún no claros para el país.
Tanto el crédito chino, como otros acuerdos para compra de armas, contienen una buena dosis de opacidad y secretismo que abarca lo tecnológico, lo económico y financiero. Además hay serias dudas sobre su legalidad y constitucionalidad. Probablemente y muchos de esos acuerdos habrá que discutirlos a la luz de las leyes venezolanas en la oportunidad de cambios en los poderes públicos, como se corresponde en una democracia, con el objetivo de determinar su legalidad y constitucionalidad y conveniencia económica para Venezuela. Tanto Rusia como China son hoy importantes acreedores en ese orden, además de comportarse como "acreedores políticos e ideológicos" han fallado en el tratamiento a Venezuela como un país democrático.
Y esa circunstancia es vital para el país y la democracia para que gobiernos no firmen acuerdos sin el balance de los poderes públicos. Por ejemplo, el crédito chino, se presenta en los hechos como una "hipoteca petrolera", un crédito que hay que pagar con especie petrolera y ello vulnera la posición venezolana en el mercado petrolero. Todo ello a propósito del desconocimiento y poca transparencia que revisten esos acuerdos, por lo que se desconocen sus reales términos, particularmente lo referente a los precios, por ello no se descartan arbitrajes en el futuro y la reconsideración de esquemas financieros que exigen especies como pago.
Todo ello es por lo demás normal si los acuerdos no tienen base legal y constitucional y ese caso, ambos países corren con las consecuencias que se pudiese causar. Los poderes públicos venezolanos ajustarán las responsabilidades políticas y administrativas a que hubiera lugar. De allí que es contra natura tener las reservas internacionales en Rusia y China y siendo además un mal negocio, debilitaría considerablemente la soberanía venezolana.
петък, 12 август 2011 г.
Животът в Англия (и не само там)
The violent anarchy that has taken hold of British cities is the all-too-predictable outcome of a three-decade liberal experiment which tore up virtually every basic social value.
The married two-parent family, educational meritocracy, punishment of criminals, national identity, enforcement of the drugs laws and many more fundamental conventions were all smashed by a liberal intelligentsia hell-bent on a revolutionary transformation of society.
The idea that they should not steal other people’s property, or beat up and rob passers-by, appears to be as weird and outlandish to them as the suggestion that they should fly to the moon. What has been fuelling all this is not poverty, as has so predictably been claimed, but moral collapse. What we have been experiencing is a complete breakdown of civilised behaviour among children and young people.
Of course these parents know their children are out on the streets. Of course they see them staggering back with what they have looted. But either they are too drunk or drugged or otherwise out of it to care, or else they are helping themselves to the proceeds, too.
The causes of this sickness are many and complex. But three things can be said with certainty: every one of them is the fault of the liberal intelligentsia; every one of them was instituted or exacerbated by the Labour government; and at the very heart of these problems lies the breakdown of the family. For most of these children come from lone-mother households. And the single most crucial factor behind all this mayhem is the willed removal of the most important thing that socialises children and turns them from feral savages into civilised citizens: a father who is a fully committed member of the family unit.
Of course there are many lone parents who do a tremendous job. But we’re talking here about widespread social collapse. And there are whole areas of Britain, white as well as black, where committed fathers are a wholly unknown phenomenon.
The result is fatherless boys who are consumed by an existential rage and desperate emotional need, and who take out the damage done to them by lashing out from infancy at everyone around them. Such children inhabit what is effectively a different world from the rest of society. It’s a world without any boundaries or rules. A world of emotional and physical chaos. Yet instead of lone parenthood being regarded as a tragedy for individuals, and a catastrophe for society, it has been redefined as a ‘right’.
When Labour came to power in 1997, it set about systematically destroying not just the traditional family but the very idea that married parents were better for children than any other arrangement. Instead, it introduced the sexual free-for-all of ‘lifestyle choice’; claimed that the idea of the male breadwinner was a sexist anachronism; and told girls that they could, and should, go it alone as mothers.
This was the outcome of the shattering defeat of Tony Blair, in the two years or so after he came to power, at the hands of the ultra-feminists and apostles of non-judgmentalism in his Cabinet and party who were determined, above all, to destroy the traditional nuclear family. One of these ultra-feminist wreckers was Harriet Harman. The other night, she was on TV preposterously suggesting that cuts in educational allowances or youth workers had something to do with young people torching and looting shops, robbing and leaving people for dead in the streets. But Harman was one of the principal forces in the Labour government behind the promotion of lone parenthood and the marginalisation of fathers. If anyone should be blamed for bringing about the conditions which have led to these appalling scenes in our cities, it is surely Ms Harman.
And this breaking of the family was further condoned, rewarded and encouraged by the Welfare State, which conceives of need solely in terms of absence of money, and which accordingly subsidises lone parenthood and the destructive behaviour that fatherlessness brings in its train.
Once, children would have been rescued from their disadvantaged backgrounds by schools which gave them not just an education but structure and purpose to their lives. But the liberal intelligentsia destroyed that escape route, too. For its onslaught upon marriage — the bedrock institution of society — with a tax system that penalises married couples with a wife who doesn’t work, was replicated by an onslaught upon the understanding and very identity of that society. Instead of transmitting knowledge to children, teaching was deemed to be an attack upon a child’s autonomy and self-esteem.
Thus it was that teachers adopted the ‘child-centred’ approach, which expected children not only to learn for themselves but also to decide for themselves about behaviour such as sexual morality or drug-taking. The outcome was that children were left illiterate and innumerate and unable to think. Abandoned to wander through the world without any guidance, they predictably ended up without any moral compass.
Children were no longer taught about the nation in which they lived, and about its culture. So not only were they left in ignorance of their own society, but any attachment to a shared and over-arching culture was deliberately shattered.
Instead of forging social bonds, multiculturalism dissolved them — and introduced instead a primitive war of all against all, in which the strongest groups would destroy the weak. Closely related to this was ‘victim culture’, in which all minority groups were regarded as victims of the majority. So any bad behaviour by them was excused and blamed on the majority.
Repairing this terrible damage also means, dare I say it, a return to the energetic transmission of Biblical morality. Anyone heard from the Archbishop of Canterbury about the riots? Anyone care to guess what he will eventually say about them? Quite.
When church leaders stop prattling like soft-headed social workers and start preaching, once again, the moral concepts that underlie our civilisation, and when our political leaders decide to oppose the culture war that has been waged against that civilisation rather than supinely acquiescing in its destruction, then — and only then — will we start to get to grips with this terrible problem.
What a year. Rage in London, Egypt, Athens, Damascus. All real. Just a metaphor in the new "Planet of the Apes" film? No, much more. Warning: More rage is dead ahead. Across our planet a new generation is filled with rage. High unemployment. Raging inflation. Dreams lost. Hope gone. While the super - rich get richer and richer.
Listen to that hissing: The fuse is rapidly burning, warning us. Wake up before the rage explodes in your face. This firestorm is endangering America’s future. From forces outside, yes. But far more deadly, from deep within our collective psyche. We have lost our moral compass. We are self-destructing.
Crackpot warning? No. This warning comes from the elite International Monetary Fund. A recent IMF report looked at "the causes of the two major U.S. economic crises over the past 100 years, the Great Depression of 1929 and the Great Recession of 2007," writes Rana Foroohar, an economics editor at Time magazine.
"There are two remarkable similarities in the eras that preceded these crises. Both saw a sharp increase in income inequality and household-debt-to-income ratios." And in each case, "as the poor and middle-class were squeezed, they tried to cope by borrowing to maintain their standard of living."
But the rich "got richer, by lending, and looked for more places to invest, bidding up securities that eventually exploded in everyone’s face. In both eras, financial deregulation and loose monetary policies played roles in creating the bubble. But inequality itself — and the political pressure not to reverse it, but to hide it — was a crucial factor in the meltdown. The shrinking middle isn’t a symptom of the downturn. It’s the source of it." Today the consequences of the meltdown still haunt us — there’s more to come.
Yes, we are ripe for a surprise revolution. In "Third World America" Arianna Huffington warns: "Washington rushed to the rescue of Wall Street but forgot about Main Street." Now Bernanke’s promise of cheap money through 2013 is just one more "free lunch" to the richest 1%. Meanwhile, "one in five Americans unemployed or underemployed. One in nine families unable to make the minimum payment on their credit cards. One in eight mortgages in default or foreclosure. One in eight Americans on food stamps. Upward mobility has always been at the center of the American Dream … that promise has been broken… The American Dream is becoming a nightmare."
Wake up folks. Super-rich addicts are destroying the American Dream for everyone. They’re destroying the American economy. They don’t care about you. Yes, they hear the ticking time bomb. They’re stockpiling cash. Don’t say you weren’t warned. The IMF sees a new collapse sweeping across the planet. Open your eyes. You’re not watching a film. This is not a metaphor. Plan now for the revolution, class warfare, market crash, economic collapse, plan for another depression.
But England is not Latin America, and its riots are not political, or so we keep hearing. They are just about lawless kids taking advantage of a situation to take what isn’t theirs. And British society, Cameron tells us, abhors that kind of behavior.
This is said in all seriousness. As if the massive bank bailouts never happened, followed by the defiant record bonuses. Followed by the emergency G-8 and G-20 meetings, when the leaders decided, collectively, not to do anything to punish the bankers for any of this, nor to do anything serious to prevent a similar crisis from happening again. Instead they would all go home to their respective countries and force sacrifices on the most vulnerable. They would do this by firing public sector workers, scapegoating teachers, closing libraries, upping tuitions, rolling back union contracts, creating rush privatizations of public assets and decreasing pensions—mix the cocktail for where you live. And who is on television lecturing about the need to give up these "entitlements"? The bankers and hedge-fund managers, of course.
This is the global Saqueo, a time of great taking. Fueled by a pathological sense of entitlement, this looting has all been done with the lights left on, as if there was nothing at all to hide. There are some nagging fears, however. In early July, the Wall Street Journal, citing a new poll, reported that 94 percent of millionaires were afraid of "violence in the streets." This, it turns out, was a reasonable fear. Of course London’s riots weren’t a political protest. But the people committing nighttime robbery sure as hell know that their elites have been committing daytime robbery.
As the inferno raged, politicians, the media and commentators rubbed their eyes in disbelief. At the same time, there were critics who had heard David Cameron declare, before he became Prime Minister, that Great Britain in the first decade of the new millennium had become a "broken society." Once he was in power, however, he didn't want to know.
Education grants for children from low-income families -- abolished. Also abolished in many areas were youth centers and help centers for the unemployed and pregnant. In the Lewisham area alone, five libraries were closed. What happens next? Where does it end? What is the limit? There is none. In the London borough of Haringey, which includes Tottenham, 75 percent of funding for youth services will be cut over the next three years.
So can the " broken society " be repaired? There is an awful lot to be done. Great Britain, a country where the gap between rich and poor is wider than almost anywhere else in the Western world, can still be a miserably tough place to live, especially for the children of the poor. According to a UNICEF study, the UK is ranked as the most child-unfriendly of 21 major industrialized nations. There are 3.4 million children living below the poverty line in Britain, a seriously distressing number. And for anyone who has the misfortune of growing up in a bad neighborhood, beatings and assaults are merely part of everyday life. Some 60 percent of children between the ages of 10 and 15 become a victim of crime at least once…
"Get rich quick." "You are what you buy." That was the swirling, money-driven nihilism that descended on London like the infamous fog of former times. Few managed to escape its lure; not the royal family, not parliament, not the police, not the talented singer Amy Winehouse. She too embraced the Paparazzi; fame was an additional drug for her.
"Consumer society relies on your ability to participate in it," says Alex Hiller, a marketing expert at Nottingham Business School. "What we recognise as a consumer now was born out of shorter hours, higher wages and the availability of credit. If you're dealing with a lot of people who don't have the last two, that contract doesn't work." So they just went shopping anyway, like the Beckhams. Except they were wielding a flamethrower rather than a black American Express card.
The 24-year-old nephew of musician Bootsy Collins has died at the University Hospital in Cincinnati after a tooth infection spread to his brain. Kyle Willis, an unemployed single father of a 6-year-old girl, first went to a hospital complaining of a painful toothache two weeks ago.
Willis had no health insurance and couldn't afford the $27 antibiotic he was prescribed. Left untreated, the infection in his tooth apparently spread to his brain. Willis was violent and delirious when an ambulance brought him to the hospital where he died Tuesday. Bootsy Collins, a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, is best known for his work with soul superstar James Brown and the '70s funk-soul-rock fusion band Parliament-Funkadelic.
Getting access to dental care is particularly tough for low-income adults and children, and it's getting tougher as the economy worsens. Trips to the dentist aren't the only expenses hard-up Americans are skipping. Even general health checkups are getting expensive. There are a number of free dental clinics in operation around the country, where dentists volunteer to provide care to those without health insurance. But even if Willis had access to a free dental clinic, he still may not have been able to get the care he needed for his infection as one needs to wait for months to get an appointment.
5 септ.
The married two-parent family, educational meritocracy, punishment of criminals, national identity, enforcement of the drugs laws and many more fundamental conventions were all smashed by a liberal intelligentsia hell-bent on a revolutionary transformation of society.
The idea that they should not steal other people’s property, or beat up and rob passers-by, appears to be as weird and outlandish to them as the suggestion that they should fly to the moon. What has been fuelling all this is not poverty, as has so predictably been claimed, but moral collapse. What we have been experiencing is a complete breakdown of civilised behaviour among children and young people.
Of course these parents know their children are out on the streets. Of course they see them staggering back with what they have looted. But either they are too drunk or drugged or otherwise out of it to care, or else they are helping themselves to the proceeds, too.
The causes of this sickness are many and complex. But three things can be said with certainty: every one of them is the fault of the liberal intelligentsia; every one of them was instituted or exacerbated by the Labour government; and at the very heart of these problems lies the breakdown of the family. For most of these children come from lone-mother households. And the single most crucial factor behind all this mayhem is the willed removal of the most important thing that socialises children and turns them from feral savages into civilised citizens: a father who is a fully committed member of the family unit.
Of course there are many lone parents who do a tremendous job. But we’re talking here about widespread social collapse. And there are whole areas of Britain, white as well as black, where committed fathers are a wholly unknown phenomenon.
The result is fatherless boys who are consumed by an existential rage and desperate emotional need, and who take out the damage done to them by lashing out from infancy at everyone around them. Such children inhabit what is effectively a different world from the rest of society. It’s a world without any boundaries or rules. A world of emotional and physical chaos. Yet instead of lone parenthood being regarded as a tragedy for individuals, and a catastrophe for society, it has been redefined as a ‘right’.
When Labour came to power in 1997, it set about systematically destroying not just the traditional family but the very idea that married parents were better for children than any other arrangement. Instead, it introduced the sexual free-for-all of ‘lifestyle choice’; claimed that the idea of the male breadwinner was a sexist anachronism; and told girls that they could, and should, go it alone as mothers.
This was the outcome of the shattering defeat of Tony Blair, in the two years or so after he came to power, at the hands of the ultra-feminists and apostles of non-judgmentalism in his Cabinet and party who were determined, above all, to destroy the traditional nuclear family. One of these ultra-feminist wreckers was Harriet Harman. The other night, she was on TV preposterously suggesting that cuts in educational allowances or youth workers had something to do with young people torching and looting shops, robbing and leaving people for dead in the streets. But Harman was one of the principal forces in the Labour government behind the promotion of lone parenthood and the marginalisation of fathers. If anyone should be blamed for bringing about the conditions which have led to these appalling scenes in our cities, it is surely Ms Harman.
And this breaking of the family was further condoned, rewarded and encouraged by the Welfare State, which conceives of need solely in terms of absence of money, and which accordingly subsidises lone parenthood and the destructive behaviour that fatherlessness brings in its train.
Once, children would have been rescued from their disadvantaged backgrounds by schools which gave them not just an education but structure and purpose to their lives. But the liberal intelligentsia destroyed that escape route, too. For its onslaught upon marriage — the bedrock institution of society — with a tax system that penalises married couples with a wife who doesn’t work, was replicated by an onslaught upon the understanding and very identity of that society. Instead of transmitting knowledge to children, teaching was deemed to be an attack upon a child’s autonomy and self-esteem.
Thus it was that teachers adopted the ‘child-centred’ approach, which expected children not only to learn for themselves but also to decide for themselves about behaviour such as sexual morality or drug-taking. The outcome was that children were left illiterate and innumerate and unable to think. Abandoned to wander through the world without any guidance, they predictably ended up without any moral compass.
Children were no longer taught about the nation in which they lived, and about its culture. So not only were they left in ignorance of their own society, but any attachment to a shared and over-arching culture was deliberately shattered.
Instead of forging social bonds, multiculturalism dissolved them — and introduced instead a primitive war of all against all, in which the strongest groups would destroy the weak. Closely related to this was ‘victim culture’, in which all minority groups were regarded as victims of the majority. So any bad behaviour by them was excused and blamed on the majority.
Repairing this terrible damage also means, dare I say it, a return to the energetic transmission of Biblical morality. Anyone heard from the Archbishop of Canterbury about the riots? Anyone care to guess what he will eventually say about them? Quite.
When church leaders stop prattling like soft-headed social workers and start preaching, once again, the moral concepts that underlie our civilisation, and when our political leaders decide to oppose the culture war that has been waged against that civilisation rather than supinely acquiescing in its destruction, then — and only then — will we start to get to grips with this terrible problem.
What a year. Rage in London, Egypt, Athens, Damascus. All real. Just a metaphor in the new "Planet of the Apes" film? No, much more. Warning: More rage is dead ahead. Across our planet a new generation is filled with rage. High unemployment. Raging inflation. Dreams lost. Hope gone. While the super - rich get richer and richer.
Listen to that hissing: The fuse is rapidly burning, warning us. Wake up before the rage explodes in your face. This firestorm is endangering America’s future. From forces outside, yes. But far more deadly, from deep within our collective psyche. We have lost our moral compass. We are self-destructing.
Crackpot warning? No. This warning comes from the elite International Monetary Fund. A recent IMF report looked at "the causes of the two major U.S. economic crises over the past 100 years, the Great Depression of 1929 and the Great Recession of 2007," writes Rana Foroohar, an economics editor at Time magazine.
"There are two remarkable similarities in the eras that preceded these crises. Both saw a sharp increase in income inequality and household-debt-to-income ratios." And in each case, "as the poor and middle-class were squeezed, they tried to cope by borrowing to maintain their standard of living."
But the rich "got richer, by lending, and looked for more places to invest, bidding up securities that eventually exploded in everyone’s face. In both eras, financial deregulation and loose monetary policies played roles in creating the bubble. But inequality itself — and the political pressure not to reverse it, but to hide it — was a crucial factor in the meltdown. The shrinking middle isn’t a symptom of the downturn. It’s the source of it." Today the consequences of the meltdown still haunt us — there’s more to come.
Yes, we are ripe for a surprise revolution. In "Third World America" Arianna Huffington warns: "Washington rushed to the rescue of Wall Street but forgot about Main Street." Now Bernanke’s promise of cheap money through 2013 is just one more "free lunch" to the richest 1%. Meanwhile, "one in five Americans unemployed or underemployed. One in nine families unable to make the minimum payment on their credit cards. One in eight mortgages in default or foreclosure. One in eight Americans on food stamps. Upward mobility has always been at the center of the American Dream … that promise has been broken… The American Dream is becoming a nightmare."
Wake up folks. Super-rich addicts are destroying the American Dream for everyone. They’re destroying the American economy. They don’t care about you. Yes, they hear the ticking time bomb. They’re stockpiling cash. Don’t say you weren’t warned. The IMF sees a new collapse sweeping across the planet. Open your eyes. You’re not watching a film. This is not a metaphor. Plan now for the revolution, class warfare, market crash, economic collapse, plan for another depression.
But England is not Latin America, and its riots are not political, or so we keep hearing. They are just about lawless kids taking advantage of a situation to take what isn’t theirs. And British society, Cameron tells us, abhors that kind of behavior.
This is said in all seriousness. As if the massive bank bailouts never happened, followed by the defiant record bonuses. Followed by the emergency G-8 and G-20 meetings, when the leaders decided, collectively, not to do anything to punish the bankers for any of this, nor to do anything serious to prevent a similar crisis from happening again. Instead they would all go home to their respective countries and force sacrifices on the most vulnerable. They would do this by firing public sector workers, scapegoating teachers, closing libraries, upping tuitions, rolling back union contracts, creating rush privatizations of public assets and decreasing pensions—mix the cocktail for where you live. And who is on television lecturing about the need to give up these "entitlements"? The bankers and hedge-fund managers, of course.
This is the global Saqueo, a time of great taking. Fueled by a pathological sense of entitlement, this looting has all been done with the lights left on, as if there was nothing at all to hide. There are some nagging fears, however. In early July, the Wall Street Journal, citing a new poll, reported that 94 percent of millionaires were afraid of "violence in the streets." This, it turns out, was a reasonable fear. Of course London’s riots weren’t a political protest. But the people committing nighttime robbery sure as hell know that their elites have been committing daytime robbery.
As the inferno raged, politicians, the media and commentators rubbed their eyes in disbelief. At the same time, there were critics who had heard David Cameron declare, before he became Prime Minister, that Great Britain in the first decade of the new millennium had become a "broken society." Once he was in power, however, he didn't want to know.
Education grants for children from low-income families -- abolished. Also abolished in many areas were youth centers and help centers for the unemployed and pregnant. In the Lewisham area alone, five libraries were closed. What happens next? Where does it end? What is the limit? There is none. In the London borough of Haringey, which includes Tottenham, 75 percent of funding for youth services will be cut over the next three years.
So can the " broken society " be repaired? There is an awful lot to be done. Great Britain, a country where the gap between rich and poor is wider than almost anywhere else in the Western world, can still be a miserably tough place to live, especially for the children of the poor. According to a UNICEF study, the UK is ranked as the most child-unfriendly of 21 major industrialized nations. There are 3.4 million children living below the poverty line in Britain, a seriously distressing number. And for anyone who has the misfortune of growing up in a bad neighborhood, beatings and assaults are merely part of everyday life. Some 60 percent of children between the ages of 10 and 15 become a victim of crime at least once…
"Get rich quick." "You are what you buy." That was the swirling, money-driven nihilism that descended on London like the infamous fog of former times. Few managed to escape its lure; not the royal family, not parliament, not the police, not the talented singer Amy Winehouse. She too embraced the Paparazzi; fame was an additional drug for her.
"Consumer society relies on your ability to participate in it," says Alex Hiller, a marketing expert at Nottingham Business School. "What we recognise as a consumer now was born out of shorter hours, higher wages and the availability of credit. If you're dealing with a lot of people who don't have the last two, that contract doesn't work." So they just went shopping anyway, like the Beckhams. Except they were wielding a flamethrower rather than a black American Express card.
The 24-year-old nephew of musician Bootsy Collins has died at the University Hospital in Cincinnati after a tooth infection spread to his brain. Kyle Willis, an unemployed single father of a 6-year-old girl, first went to a hospital complaining of a painful toothache two weeks ago.
Willis had no health insurance and couldn't afford the $27 antibiotic he was prescribed. Left untreated, the infection in his tooth apparently spread to his brain. Willis was violent and delirious when an ambulance brought him to the hospital where he died Tuesday. Bootsy Collins, a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, is best known for his work with soul superstar James Brown and the '70s funk-soul-rock fusion band Parliament-Funkadelic.
Getting access to dental care is particularly tough for low-income adults and children, and it's getting tougher as the economy worsens. Trips to the dentist aren't the only expenses hard-up Americans are skipping. Even general health checkups are getting expensive. There are a number of free dental clinics in operation around the country, where dentists volunteer to provide care to those without health insurance. But even if Willis had access to a free dental clinic, he still may not have been able to get the care he needed for his infection as one needs to wait for months to get an appointment.
5 септ.
четвъртък, 11 август 2011 г.
Educate each other
With too few Americans taking notice, history has entered a new era. The "unipolar moment" created by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 has passed. To refer to the United States today as the world's "sole superpower" makes about as much sense as General Motors bragging that it's the world's No.1 car company: Nostalgia ill-befits an enterprise beset with competitors breathing down its neck. Similarly, to call Barack Obama the "most powerful man in the world" is akin to curtsying before Elizabeth II as "Queen of Great Britain, Ireland and British Dominions beyond the Seas": Although a nice title, it confers little by way of actual authority.
A new global order is rapidly emerging. In that order, the United States will no doubt remain a very important player. Yet alongside the U.S. will be several others: China preeminently among them, but with Russia, India, Turkey, Japan, South Korea and Brazil also demanding to be reckoned with. (Whether Europe, currently wallowing in disarray, can muster the will and wallet to play in this company qualifies as an unknown).
Nothing Washington can do will prevent this geopolitical transformation...
In the good old days, after George Washington and the boys won the war to free us from the bank of England's predatory and impoverishing practices, they set up a "revolutionary" economic system. The government created and issued all the public currency, spending it into circulation to purchase what the government needed, then after the currency circulated through society to fuel commerce, was taxed back to the government to balance the books. Simple!
Banks existed, of course. But they were kept off to one side, and use of the banks was optional for the people of the United States. It was possible to go through one's entire life without dealing with a bank if one chose to do so.
This system not only reserved the choice whether to use the bank to the people, but it was a stable system, because as debt increased, the people could voluntarily choose to stop borrowing from the bank! That was one of the most important freedoms won during the revolution; the freedom to say "no" to the banks!
Then, in 1913, a corrupt Congress and a corrupt President changed the structure of the nation's economy and stole your freedom to say "no"! The economic system was reverted to a mirror of that same system the nation fought a revolution to be free of. The power to issue money was taken away from the government and given to the bankers and from that day onward, ALL money in circulation was created as the result of a loan at interest from the bankers to the government, to business, and to the people. There is no exception. Every dollar paid in salary, spent to purchase food or gas, or paid in taxes, began as an interest bearing loan. There is no money in circulation in the United States that did not start out as a loan at interest from the bankers at the privately-owned Federal Reserve system.
From that moment on, the freedom of the people to refuse to borrow from the banks and to refuse to pay interest was stripped away. To participate in the commerce of the United States at all means being forced to use money loaned at interest, to the profit of the bankers and the impoverishment of the public. Your freedom to say "no" was stolen by Congress in 1913, without your permission and before you were born.
When you have lost the freedom to say "no", when you have no choice but to pay a percentage of your earnings as interest to the bankers whether in private debt or taxes to cover the gargantuan debts by the US Government itself, you are s slave to the bankers. And because more money is owed to the bankers than actually exists, the debt-slavery is permanent! No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you sacrifice, the debt can never be paid off. The system is designed that way to trap the nation's population permantly in debt.
Free people have the right to say "no." There is no freedom without the freedom to say "no." Slaves cannot say "no" when ordered to surrender the products of their labor to their masters. You are a slave.
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit.We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men". -Woodrow Wilson 1919
With too few Americans taking notice, history has entered a new era. The "unipolar moment" created by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 has passed. To refer to the United States today as the world's "sole superpower" makes about as much sense as General Motors bragging that it's the world's No.1 car company: Nostalgia ill-befits an enterprise beset with competitors breathing down its neck. Similarly, to call Barack Obama the "most powerful man in the world" is akin to curtsying before Elizabeth II as "Queen of Great Britain, Ireland and British Dominions beyond the Seas": Although a nice title, it confers little by way of actual authority.
A new global order is rapidly emerging. In that order, the United States will no doubt remain a very important player. Yet alongside the U.S. will be several others: China preeminently among them, but with Russia, India, Turkey, Japan, South Korea and Brazil also demanding to be reckoned with. (Whether Europe, currently wallowing in disarray, can muster the will and wallet to play in this company qualifies as an unknown).
Nothing Washington can do will prevent this geopolitical transformation...
In the good old days, after George Washington and the boys won the war to free us from the bank of England's predatory and impoverishing practices, they set up a "revolutionary" economic system. The government created and issued all the public currency, spending it into circulation to purchase what the government needed, then after the currency circulated through society to fuel commerce, was taxed back to the government to balance the books. Simple!
Banks existed, of course. But they were kept off to one side, and use of the banks was optional for the people of the United States. It was possible to go through one's entire life without dealing with a bank if one chose to do so.
This system not only reserved the choice whether to use the bank to the people, but it was a stable system, because as debt increased, the people could voluntarily choose to stop borrowing from the bank! That was one of the most important freedoms won during the revolution; the freedom to say "no" to the banks!
Then, in 1913, a corrupt Congress and a corrupt President changed the structure of the nation's economy and stole your freedom to say "no"! The economic system was reverted to a mirror of that same system the nation fought a revolution to be free of. The power to issue money was taken away from the government and given to the bankers and from that day onward, ALL money in circulation was created as the result of a loan at interest from the bankers to the government, to business, and to the people. There is no exception. Every dollar paid in salary, spent to purchase food or gas, or paid in taxes, began as an interest bearing loan. There is no money in circulation in the United States that did not start out as a loan at interest from the bankers at the privately-owned Federal Reserve system.
From that moment on, the freedom of the people to refuse to borrow from the banks and to refuse to pay interest was stripped away. To participate in the commerce of the United States at all means being forced to use money loaned at interest, to the profit of the bankers and the impoverishment of the public. Your freedom to say "no" was stolen by Congress in 1913, without your permission and before you were born.
When you have lost the freedom to say "no", when you have no choice but to pay a percentage of your earnings as interest to the bankers whether in private debt or taxes to cover the gargantuan debts by the US Government itself, you are s slave to the bankers. And because more money is owed to the bankers than actually exists, the debt-slavery is permanent! No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you sacrifice, the debt can never be paid off. The system is designed that way to trap the nation's population permantly in debt.
Free people have the right to say "no." There is no freedom without the freedom to say "no." Slaves cannot say "no" when ordered to surrender the products of their labor to their masters. You are a slave.
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit.We are no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men". -Woodrow Wilson 1919
вторник, 9 август 2011 г.
Credit rating agencies
Credit rating agencies are creatures of Wall Street. Just as they did Wall Street's bidding in assigning investment grade ratings to derivative junk, they will do Wall Street's bidding in downgrading the US credit rating. Wall Street might complain about down-gradings, but that is just to disguise that Wall Street is calling the shots.
The struggle between the military/security complex and the financial sector comes down to a struggle over patronage. The military/security complex's patronage network is built upon armaments factories and workforces, military bases and military families, military contractors, private security firms, intelligence agencies, Homeland Security, federalized state and local police, and journalists who cover the defense sector.
Wall Street's network includes investors, speculators, people with mortgages, car, student, and business loans, credit cards, real estate, insurance companies, pension funds, money managers and their clients, and financial journalists.
As the financial sector has over-extended and must shrink, Wall Street is determined to have access to public funds to manage the process and determined to maintain its relative power by forcing shrinkage in its competitor's network. That means closing down the expensive wars in order to free up funds for entitlement privatization and to keep the dollar's role as reserve currency. Wall Street realizes that if the dollar goes, its power goes with it.
What insights can we draw from this analysis? The insight that it offers is that although economic policy will continue to be discussed in terms of employment, inflation, deficits, and national debt, the policies that are implemented will reflect the interests of the two contending power centers. Their struggle for supremacy could destroy the rest of us.
Wall Street opened the game with a debt downgrade, implying more are to come unless action is taken. The new Pentagon chief replied that any cuts to the military budget would be a "doomsday mechanism" that "would do real damage to our security, our troops and their families and our military's ability to protect the nation."
Will Americans be so afraid of terrorists that they will give up their entitlements? Will false flag terrorist events be perpetrated in order to elevate this fear? Will Wall Street provoke crises that are perceived as a greater threat?
From whom do we need greater protection than from Wall Street and the military/security complex and from our government, which is the tool of both?
Теоретически, конечно, после смены руководства МВФ и отказа от идеи «центробанка центробанков» единство могло бы восстановиться, однако, как показывает развитие событий, это не получается. В частности, Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) начала предварительную проверку в отношении действий международного рейтингового агентства Standart&Poor's, лишившего суверенный кредитный рейтинг США наивысшей отметки ААА.
Если отвлечься от деталей, то это – продолжение войны. S&P, безусловно, принадлежит той же группе, что хотела создания единой валюты и единого регулятора мировых финансов (то есть, фактически, это та самая группа, которая стремится создать мировое правительство и называется в соответствующей литературе «мондиалистами»), причем это желание носит абсолютно реальный, не конспирологический характер. Это, если угодно, вполне объективный интерес достаточно крупной группы мировой финансовой элита.
А вот SEC – это просто по определению представитель национальной элиты США, более того, часть их административной системы. И атака этой комиссии на S&P, безусловно, связана с предыдущими историями. По данным источников, близких к следствию, речь идет о возможном использовании инсайдерской информации, а это обвинение можно предъявить практически любой уолл-стритовской компании...
Весь этот скандал показал, что мировая элита (которая, до какого-то времени, в общем, признавала некоторые общие «правила игры») очень жестко развалилась на две большие группы (может быть, и больше, но я специально упрощаю ситуацию). Первая отдает себе отчет в том, что нынешний кризис разрушает status quo и пытается использовать кризис для усиления своей позиции с точки зрения дальнейшего ослабления государственного суверенитета (как института) и усиления частных по сути мондиалистских организаций.
Вторая ориентирована как раз на государственный суверенитет (США, в первую очередь) и пытается сохранить ситуацию в мировой экономике. Верит ли она в свой успех в части экономики – не так важно, поскольку эта группа уверена, что даже в случае распада единой системы разделения труда, сохранение суверенитета США позволит им, в крайнем случае, начать новую попытку выстроить мир в «правильном» направлении.
Понятно, что главный «камень преткновения» здесь это факт доминирования США и их государственной элиты, но, опять-таки, с точки зрения окончательного вывода это не очень принципиально, главное – это сам факт принципиальных разногласий. Не исключено, что они связаны с невозможностью решить экономические проблемы, но, в конце концов, какая разница. Главное – результат. Который показывает, что в сегодняшнем мире уже нельзя полагаться на «дядю», а нужно начинать собственную игру.
The struggle between the military/security complex and the financial sector comes down to a struggle over patronage. The military/security complex's patronage network is built upon armaments factories and workforces, military bases and military families, military contractors, private security firms, intelligence agencies, Homeland Security, federalized state and local police, and journalists who cover the defense sector.
Wall Street's network includes investors, speculators, people with mortgages, car, student, and business loans, credit cards, real estate, insurance companies, pension funds, money managers and their clients, and financial journalists.
As the financial sector has over-extended and must shrink, Wall Street is determined to have access to public funds to manage the process and determined to maintain its relative power by forcing shrinkage in its competitor's network. That means closing down the expensive wars in order to free up funds for entitlement privatization and to keep the dollar's role as reserve currency. Wall Street realizes that if the dollar goes, its power goes with it.
What insights can we draw from this analysis? The insight that it offers is that although economic policy will continue to be discussed in terms of employment, inflation, deficits, and national debt, the policies that are implemented will reflect the interests of the two contending power centers. Their struggle for supremacy could destroy the rest of us.
Wall Street opened the game with a debt downgrade, implying more are to come unless action is taken. The new Pentagon chief replied that any cuts to the military budget would be a "doomsday mechanism" that "would do real damage to our security, our troops and their families and our military's ability to protect the nation."
Will Americans be so afraid of terrorists that they will give up their entitlements? Will false flag terrorist events be perpetrated in order to elevate this fear? Will Wall Street provoke crises that are perceived as a greater threat?
From whom do we need greater protection than from Wall Street and the military/security complex and from our government, which is the tool of both?
Теоретически, конечно, после смены руководства МВФ и отказа от идеи «центробанка центробанков» единство могло бы восстановиться, однако, как показывает развитие событий, это не получается. В частности, Комиссия по ценным бумагам и биржам США (SEC) начала предварительную проверку в отношении действий международного рейтингового агентства Standart&Poor's, лишившего суверенный кредитный рейтинг США наивысшей отметки ААА.
Если отвлечься от деталей, то это – продолжение войны. S&P, безусловно, принадлежит той же группе, что хотела создания единой валюты и единого регулятора мировых финансов (то есть, фактически, это та самая группа, которая стремится создать мировое правительство и называется в соответствующей литературе «мондиалистами»), причем это желание носит абсолютно реальный, не конспирологический характер. Это, если угодно, вполне объективный интерес достаточно крупной группы мировой финансовой элита.
А вот SEC – это просто по определению представитель национальной элиты США, более того, часть их административной системы. И атака этой комиссии на S&P, безусловно, связана с предыдущими историями. По данным источников, близких к следствию, речь идет о возможном использовании инсайдерской информации, а это обвинение можно предъявить практически любой уолл-стритовской компании...
Весь этот скандал показал, что мировая элита (которая, до какого-то времени, в общем, признавала некоторые общие «правила игры») очень жестко развалилась на две большие группы (может быть, и больше, но я специально упрощаю ситуацию). Первая отдает себе отчет в том, что нынешний кризис разрушает status quo и пытается использовать кризис для усиления своей позиции с точки зрения дальнейшего ослабления государственного суверенитета (как института) и усиления частных по сути мондиалистских организаций.
Вторая ориентирована как раз на государственный суверенитет (США, в первую очередь) и пытается сохранить ситуацию в мировой экономике. Верит ли она в свой успех в части экономики – не так важно, поскольку эта группа уверена, что даже в случае распада единой системы разделения труда, сохранение суверенитета США позволит им, в крайнем случае, начать новую попытку выстроить мир в «правильном» направлении.
Понятно, что главный «камень преткновения» здесь это факт доминирования США и их государственной элиты, но, опять-таки, с точки зрения окончательного вывода это не очень принципиально, главное – это сам факт принципиальных разногласий. Не исключено, что они связаны с невозможностью решить экономические проблемы, но, в конце концов, какая разница. Главное – результат. Который показывает, что в сегодняшнем мире уже нельзя полагаться на «дядю», а нужно начинать собственную игру.
събота, 6 август 2011 г.
четвъртък, 4 август 2011 г.
Изкуство през лятото на 2011
Meet the not-so-Little Mermaid that has been having a right old knees-up in the German city of Hamburg.

Oliver Voss's floating sculpture is designed to look like a woman bathing in the picturesque Alster Lake.


Oliver Voss's floating sculpture is designed to look like a woman bathing in the picturesque Alster Lake.

agenda: War
Look at these July 30 headlines, just two days prior to the default deadline, from the online group, Stop NATO:
US Military To Be Based In Australia To Confront China
Call To Expand American Counterinsurgency Operations In Philippines
US Could Upgrade Polish Warships For Baltic Sea
Bulgaria: Pentagon Continues Upgrading Military Bases
US Uses Romanian Air Base To Supply Afghan War
America's Africa Partnership Station In East Africa
Mongolia: US Leads NATO, Asian NATO Allies In Military Exercise
Libyan War: Over 17,000 NATO Air Missions, Nearly 6,500 Strike Sorti
The Big Picture: War on Libya is War on Africa
What in the world is a country facing bankruptcy and default doing conducting military exercises in Mongolia and Central Asia? What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, designed to counter a Soviet thrust into Western Europe, doing in Mongolia?
Why are these military expenditures necessary, but not expenditures to keep America's homeless population from rising while homes are destroyed?
Why do not the Republicans listen when mega-billionaire Warren Buffet says that the tax rate on his massive income is lower than the tax rate on his secretary's income?
The answer is that the Republicans have an agenda: War. And Republicans want to fund this war, not by taxing high incomes but by cutting support programs for the down and out.
US Military To Be Based In Australia To Confront China
Call To Expand American Counterinsurgency Operations In Philippines
US Could Upgrade Polish Warships For Baltic Sea
Bulgaria: Pentagon Continues Upgrading Military Bases
US Uses Romanian Air Base To Supply Afghan War
America's Africa Partnership Station In East Africa
Mongolia: US Leads NATO, Asian NATO Allies In Military Exercise
Libyan War: Over 17,000 NATO Air Missions, Nearly 6,500 Strike Sorti
The Big Picture: War on Libya is War on Africa
What in the world is a country facing bankruptcy and default doing conducting military exercises in Mongolia and Central Asia? What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, designed to counter a Soviet thrust into Western Europe, doing in Mongolia?
Why are these military expenditures necessary, but not expenditures to keep America's homeless population from rising while homes are destroyed?
Why do not the Republicans listen when mega-billionaire Warren Buffet says that the tax rate on his massive income is lower than the tax rate on his secretary's income?
The answer is that the Republicans have an agenda: War. And Republicans want to fund this war, not by taxing high incomes but by cutting support programs for the down and out.
сряда, 3 август 2011 г.
Super Congress
Last night, under the influence of a terror campaign by Obama and his British and Wall Street backers, a majority of the US House of Representative signed off on a Hitler coup against the U.S. Constitution. Under this coup, the Congress will, as a first step, no longer have the power to decide on matters of spending—a specific violation of Section 1 of the nation's governing document. And that's just the beginning.
The specific measure which will eliminate the power of the Legislative Branch, is called by Obama the "Super-Congress." The SuperCongress will be composed of a 12-person board drawn from the Senate and the House, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. This board's immediate mandate would be to decide upon $1.5 trillion in budget cuts, both from entitlements (Social Security and Medicare) and defense. The proposals are required to be submitted by Nov. 23 of this year—and to be submitted to an up or down vote, with no filibuster allowed, within the month.
If the cuts are not agreed to, a so-called "enforcement" mechanism kicks in, which automatically triggers the $1.5 trillion in cuts, with alleged protections for Social Security Medicare beneficiaries, and the poor.
In other words, regardless of what the Congress decides, the cuts worked out by Obama and his cronies go into effect! Obama has made the Congress irrelevant.
With these provisions, Obama and his British backers are attempting to fill the loopholes in their previous attempted coup through the Catfood Commission. When that Commission failed to agree on a cut package to be submitted to Congress, the cuts died on the vine. Not this time, if Obama gets his way.
The Obama SuperCongress measure directly mirrors the Hitler Enabling Law (Ermaechtigungsgesetz) of March 1933, by which the German Reichstag "democratically" voted to give Hitler emergency powers by passing the "Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich," which gave Hitler the right to govern on his own, and in contravention to the Constitution, without consulting the parliament for a period of four years.
How was it done? The parliamentarians "made a deal"...
Perhaps I was asleep, or have amnesia, or maybe I was abducted by aliens, but I don't remember ever having elected a Super Congress. However, apparently there will be a committee of twelve that will effectively run our country... This "Super Congress" of twelve will recommend cuts that will basically go unchallenged. They must make their recommendations by Thanksgiving, then the congress must have up or down votes with no changes. A simple yes or no vote to enact new law with vast implications on the lives of every American. That this group will be appointed and not elected is bad enough, but if their cuts hopefully done with a scalpel are not voted in, there will be a trigger that takes effect and makes even more draconian cuts, most likely with a butcher knife or ax.
R.W. Sanders, The Huffington Post: "The Super Congress We Did Not Elect."
The dead body politic in Washington is transforming itself in front of our eyes into a new dictatorial machine that is responsive to the private will of a few international banks and monopolistic corporations, not the will of the American people.
By setting up a parapolitical structure above Congress called the "Super Congress," the traitors in Washington on both sides of the aisle are taking the invisible mask off of the shadow totalitarian government that they've constructed from behind the scenes in the past several decades. This hidden criminal government in Washington is responsible for the 9/11 attacks along with a similar rogue structure in Israel. The face of this evil tyrannical monster confirms all our original impressions which we gained at a distance, in the darkness of contemporary reality...
This new dictatorial and artificial body called the Super Congress is illegal, unwanted, and alien to the American Constitution, like Washington's shadow militaristic government. It is shaping up to be the attic of the House, haunted and spooky, where dirty secrets and rotten deals will be made and guarded by a gang of crooks... The Super Congress's super powers will be used to get rid of the Second Amendment to totally deny the American people any means to recover their rights, pass unpopular and unconstitutional immigration laws, give more of the American people's money to the big criminal banks on Wall Street, raise new taxes on the middle class, declare a national emergency, officially suspend the Constitution, and generally make life for the American people a living hell.
There would be no difference if Stalin arose from the grave, and joined together with Mao to conquer America and then set up a super governmental structure in Washington that reports directly to them and does their bidding.
Gun Owners of America chief Larry Pratt warns that the new “Super Congress” created by the debt deal will lead America into dictatorship, labeling the move a “coup d’état” by the political class aimed at transforming the entire structure of government in the United States.
Comparing the super committee to Plato’s council, Pratt pointed out that it would take just 34 Senate votes to sustain a bill put forward by the group, noting that it has been set up specifically to prevent lawmakers getting in the way of its agenda by necessitating a super majority to overturn anything introduced by the committee.
“The first act of the next Congress hopefully is going to be to repeal this horrible piece of legislation, Pratt told the Alex Jones Show, adding that the committee could be used to target gun owners, property owners, taxpayers and businesses.
“This is a game changer, they’ve decided that we don’t need the House of Representatives to originate revenue bills, we’ll just have the ‘super 12′ do that,” said Pratt, adding that Barack Obama would become the de facto deciding 13th member.
Legislation decided on by the Super Congress would be immune from amendment and lawmakers would only be able to register an up or down vote, eliminating the ability to filibuster.
Pratt warned that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell would appoint “wusses” to the committee, a point emphasized by reports which indicate lawmakers who voted against the debt hike will be barred from selection for the Super Congress. Just two weeks ago McConnell himself argued that the power of the purse, constitutionally ascribed to Congress, should be turned over wholesale to Barack Obama.
“They’re going to put ‘reasonable people’ on there – and these reasonable people will be the ones that continue to lead us into dictatorship,” said the Gun Owners chief, adding that the move represented a coup d’état by the ruling political class, who are now busy characterizing those who oppose their agenda as “terrorists”.
Американское политбюро материализовалось перед нами. Да, наш Конгресс является результатом двухпартийной системы (демократов и республиканцев), и на первый взгляд не сильно похож на однопартийную советскую систему, но давайте взглянем на столь надоедливые вещи, как факты.
Административные решения уже заменяют законы как первостепенные механизмы управления. Вы лишь посмотрите на количество постановлений, которые исходят от Агентства охраны окружающей среды, Министерства юстиции, Министерства национальной безопасности и прочее. Неизбранные чиновники (то есть, безответственные перед обществом) по всей стране производят законы, которым мы должны следовать или ожидать какое-то наказание, без того, чтобы эти законы был изучены на предмет защиты наших интересов теми, кого мы избрали для защиты наших интересов и для защиты конституции Соединенных Штатов Америки. Кстати, управление - это не правительство, в американском понимании слова «власть». Управление, проще говоря, это управление.
Многие большие и средние города в США создали Советы по устойчивому развитию, Советы по городскому развитию, Советы по транспорту, Советы по экономическому развитию, и Совет, потом еще Совет, и Советом погоняет. В большинстве советов США членов назначают, а не выбирают.
А что такое совет? В Советском Союзе постановления выпускались локальными советами, региональными советами и национальным советом. Стоит отметить, что речь не идет о государственном совете. Советы были ответственны за регионы. Регионы не имели политических границ, потому для любых целей и предложений было региональное управление, которое существовало вне политической структуры, не избиралось и не отчитывалось.
Сегодня мы видим, как многие законы, через законодательство или административные распоряжения, стремятся к регионализму в Америке. Советы в Америке уже реальность – неизбираемые советы, и они приходят в ваш регион...
The specific measure which will eliminate the power of the Legislative Branch, is called by Obama the "Super-Congress." The SuperCongress will be composed of a 12-person board drawn from the Senate and the House, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats. This board's immediate mandate would be to decide upon $1.5 trillion in budget cuts, both from entitlements (Social Security and Medicare) and defense. The proposals are required to be submitted by Nov. 23 of this year—and to be submitted to an up or down vote, with no filibuster allowed, within the month.
If the cuts are not agreed to, a so-called "enforcement" mechanism kicks in, which automatically triggers the $1.5 trillion in cuts, with alleged protections for Social Security Medicare beneficiaries, and the poor.
In other words, regardless of what the Congress decides, the cuts worked out by Obama and his cronies go into effect! Obama has made the Congress irrelevant.
With these provisions, Obama and his British backers are attempting to fill the loopholes in their previous attempted coup through the Catfood Commission. When that Commission failed to agree on a cut package to be submitted to Congress, the cuts died on the vine. Not this time, if Obama gets his way.
The Obama SuperCongress measure directly mirrors the Hitler Enabling Law (Ermaechtigungsgesetz) of March 1933, by which the German Reichstag "democratically" voted to give Hitler emergency powers by passing the "Law for Removing the Distress of People and Reich," which gave Hitler the right to govern on his own, and in contravention to the Constitution, without consulting the parliament for a period of four years.
How was it done? The parliamentarians "made a deal"...
Perhaps I was asleep, or have amnesia, or maybe I was abducted by aliens, but I don't remember ever having elected a Super Congress. However, apparently there will be a committee of twelve that will effectively run our country... This "Super Congress" of twelve will recommend cuts that will basically go unchallenged. They must make their recommendations by Thanksgiving, then the congress must have up or down votes with no changes. A simple yes or no vote to enact new law with vast implications on the lives of every American. That this group will be appointed and not elected is bad enough, but if their cuts hopefully done with a scalpel are not voted in, there will be a trigger that takes effect and makes even more draconian cuts, most likely with a butcher knife or ax.
R.W. Sanders, The Huffington Post: "The Super Congress We Did Not Elect."
The dead body politic in Washington is transforming itself in front of our eyes into a new dictatorial machine that is responsive to the private will of a few international banks and monopolistic corporations, not the will of the American people.
By setting up a parapolitical structure above Congress called the "Super Congress," the traitors in Washington on both sides of the aisle are taking the invisible mask off of the shadow totalitarian government that they've constructed from behind the scenes in the past several decades. This hidden criminal government in Washington is responsible for the 9/11 attacks along with a similar rogue structure in Israel. The face of this evil tyrannical monster confirms all our original impressions which we gained at a distance, in the darkness of contemporary reality...
This new dictatorial and artificial body called the Super Congress is illegal, unwanted, and alien to the American Constitution, like Washington's shadow militaristic government. It is shaping up to be the attic of the House, haunted and spooky, where dirty secrets and rotten deals will be made and guarded by a gang of crooks... The Super Congress's super powers will be used to get rid of the Second Amendment to totally deny the American people any means to recover their rights, pass unpopular and unconstitutional immigration laws, give more of the American people's money to the big criminal banks on Wall Street, raise new taxes on the middle class, declare a national emergency, officially suspend the Constitution, and generally make life for the American people a living hell.
There would be no difference if Stalin arose from the grave, and joined together with Mao to conquer America and then set up a super governmental structure in Washington that reports directly to them and does their bidding.
Gun Owners of America chief Larry Pratt warns that the new “Super Congress” created by the debt deal will lead America into dictatorship, labeling the move a “coup d’état” by the political class aimed at transforming the entire structure of government in the United States.
Comparing the super committee to Plato’s council, Pratt pointed out that it would take just 34 Senate votes to sustain a bill put forward by the group, noting that it has been set up specifically to prevent lawmakers getting in the way of its agenda by necessitating a super majority to overturn anything introduced by the committee.
“The first act of the next Congress hopefully is going to be to repeal this horrible piece of legislation, Pratt told the Alex Jones Show, adding that the committee could be used to target gun owners, property owners, taxpayers and businesses.
“This is a game changer, they’ve decided that we don’t need the House of Representatives to originate revenue bills, we’ll just have the ‘super 12′ do that,” said Pratt, adding that Barack Obama would become the de facto deciding 13th member.
Legislation decided on by the Super Congress would be immune from amendment and lawmakers would only be able to register an up or down vote, eliminating the ability to filibuster.
Pratt warned that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell would appoint “wusses” to the committee, a point emphasized by reports which indicate lawmakers who voted against the debt hike will be barred from selection for the Super Congress. Just two weeks ago McConnell himself argued that the power of the purse, constitutionally ascribed to Congress, should be turned over wholesale to Barack Obama.
“They’re going to put ‘reasonable people’ on there – and these reasonable people will be the ones that continue to lead us into dictatorship,” said the Gun Owners chief, adding that the move represented a coup d’état by the ruling political class, who are now busy characterizing those who oppose their agenda as “terrorists”.
Американское политбюро материализовалось перед нами. Да, наш Конгресс является результатом двухпартийной системы (демократов и республиканцев), и на первый взгляд не сильно похож на однопартийную советскую систему, но давайте взглянем на столь надоедливые вещи, как факты.
Административные решения уже заменяют законы как первостепенные механизмы управления. Вы лишь посмотрите на количество постановлений, которые исходят от Агентства охраны окружающей среды, Министерства юстиции, Министерства национальной безопасности и прочее. Неизбранные чиновники (то есть, безответственные перед обществом) по всей стране производят законы, которым мы должны следовать или ожидать какое-то наказание, без того, чтобы эти законы был изучены на предмет защиты наших интересов теми, кого мы избрали для защиты наших интересов и для защиты конституции Соединенных Штатов Америки. Кстати, управление - это не правительство, в американском понимании слова «власть». Управление, проще говоря, это управление.
Многие большие и средние города в США создали Советы по устойчивому развитию, Советы по городскому развитию, Советы по транспорту, Советы по экономическому развитию, и Совет, потом еще Совет, и Советом погоняет. В большинстве советов США членов назначают, а не выбирают.
А что такое совет? В Советском Союзе постановления выпускались локальными советами, региональными советами и национальным советом. Стоит отметить, что речь не идет о государственном совете. Советы были ответственны за регионы. Регионы не имели политических границ, потому для любых целей и предложений было региональное управление, которое существовало вне политической структуры, не избиралось и не отчитывалось.
Сегодня мы видим, как многие законы, через законодательство или административные распоряжения, стремятся к регионализму в Америке. Советы в Америке уже реальность – неизбираемые советы, и они приходят в ваш регион...
понеделник, 1 август 2011 г.
Разговори в публичното пространство
...Но главное состоит в том, что острый политический кризис, который организовали обе политические партии, привел к тому, что в публичное обсуждение вывалилось колоссальное количество тем, которые до того, в общем, не очень афишировались. Обсуждаться стали и доходы среднего класса (которые, напомним, последние 40 лет падали), и проблемы импорта и экспорта, и структуру распределения доходов и много еще чего. Разумеется, в узко профессиональной литературе эти темы присутствовали почти всегда, но вот в публичное поле они как-то не проникали.
И мне кажется, что это самое главное достижение этого политического кризиса, независимо от того, чем он там, в конце концов, завершится. Дело в том, что экономический кризис в США намного опережал в своем развитии кризис идеологический. Тотальная пропаганда (степень тотальности которой мы сегодня можем наблюдать по репортажам из Ливии, когда становится видно, что в случае необходимости все крупные западные СМИ несут одновременно одну и ту же тотальную ложь) привела к тому, что подавляющая часть населения искренне убеждена, что настоящий кризис носит, как и ряд предыдущих, локальный, временный характер. Что это именно рецессия, а не структурный кризис, завершающий действие модели экономического развития.
И объяснить это даже не рядовым гражданам, а вполне себе адекватным экспертам, было практически невозможно. Специфика западной экспертной системы, в которой большинство составляют очень глубокие, но узкие специалисты, приводит к тому, что значительную часть информации они черпают из внешних источников, что делает их всех крайне уязвимым к пропагандистским приемам. В результате, каждый из них видит несоответствие общей пропагандисткой картины на своем узком участке, но при этом считает, что это локальное явление, не соответствующее общей картине мира.
Няма нужда да поясняваме, че времената не са нормални. Американската и европейската дългови кризи се подхранват една друга в опасен синхрон, като има опасения за фискално "внезапно спиране" във Вашингтон, водещо до глобални по-високи рискове и натрупващи се трусове в боновите пазари на Испания и Италия. Това е предвкусване на "катастрофата", предсказана от шефа на Федералния резерв Бен Бернанке, ако политиците не успеят да укротят страстите си...
Опасенията на повечето анализатори, откакто фундаментът на дълга на Запада започна да се срива преди четири години, бяха, че развръзката ще бъде повторение на средата на 1931 г., когато световните лидери не успяха да реформират разрушителна финансова система ("златния стандарт") и бушонът накрая гръмна в европейската банкова система. Тогава политическите грешки превърнаха рецесията в Голямата депресия, а идеологията отмъстително се намеси в ситуацията.
Тонът от 1931-а е добре познат. Франция тогава саботира спасението на виенската банка "Credit Anstalt" заради стратегически разминавания с Германия. Това пък отприщва финансова верижна реакция. Паникьосаните пазари започват да търсят слабите места на златния стандарт. Средствата от Великобритания се изтеглят, след като флотата се разбунтува заради понижените си заплати. Пораженията от тази паника достигат чак до Ню Йорк. Към октомври 1931 г. международната система вече се е сринала, въпреки че тоталният ужас не излиза на бял свят чак до следващата година. Редица държави се затварят в някакъв вид автокрация, фашизъм или и едното, и другото. В крайна сметка комунистите и нацистите заедно печелят повече от половината места в изборите за Райхстаг през юли 1932 г. Не е много ясно дали международният ред е по-сигурен сега, отколкото е бил в привидно спокойните дни на май 1931 г., така че е трудно да приемем с лека ръка безотговорното рисковано боричкане на Капитолийския хълм в последните дни.
Във всеки случай, вече е изключена каквато и да е форма на американски отказ от плащания. В краен случай Обама може да се възползва от 14-ата поправка в американската конституция, или да издаде директива за "катастрофални ситуации" в духа на Джордж Буш... Ако орязването на разходите продължи със същите темпове и през септември, то може да повлече серийни фалити от щати и взрив на американския общински бонов пазар на стойност $2.5 трлн. Сагата с банкрута на Джеферсън Каунти, Алабама, е ориентир какво предстои. Мериленд, Вирджиния, Южна Каролина, Ню Мексико и Тенеси вече са на път към понижаването на кредитния им рейтинг. Калифорния се наложи да си осигури спешен заем от $5 млрд. Невада харчи половината от данъчните си постъпления за разходи по обслужването на дълга, при Мичиган цифрата е 40%. Тези щати се държат с последни сили на ръба.
В Европа нещата всеки момент може да излязат извън контрол
Испанските и италианските бонове отново са на опасните нива отпреди срещата - и във всеки момент може да излязат от контрол, ако не се намеси краен заемодател, който да гарантира пазара. Европейската централна банка все още отказва да го стори, а Европейският фонд за финансова стабилност (EFSF) е законово възпрепятстван да го направи, освен ако всички национални парламенти ратифицират сделката от срещата на високо равнище, за да разширят правомощията му. Същевременно почти всички парламенти в момента са в лятна ваканция, а европейските лидери са заминали на почивка. Разполагащият с 440 млрд. евро EFSF така или иначе е твърде малък. Наблюдателите на боновите пазари като цяло са единодушни, че EFSF се нуждае поне от 2 трилиона евро предварителни резерви, за да предотврати двойна криза в Италия и Испания, въпреки че как точно Франция би могла да плати за измъкването им от водовъртежа, без сама да падне в него, остава отворен въпрос... Докато изтичат подробности от срещата на високо равнище на ЕС, можем вече да преценим, че Гърция няма да има облекчение на дълга, въпреки че е доведена до фалит. Citigroup обявиха, че нетният ефект от това ще повиши дълга на Гърция с допълнителни 4% от БВП, до над 160% догодина. Доколкото подобни нива на дълга очевидно са неудържими, изглежда Гърция ще се нуждае от трета спасителна интервенция.
ЕС причинява първия държавен фалит в Западна Европа от Втората световна война насам - и създава гибелен прецедент, без реално да решава гръцкия проблем. Колко по-зле от това може да бъде?
Неспособността на ЕС - или по-скоро нежеланието на Германия, Холандия и Финландия да изпълнят своята страна от членството в европейския валутен съюз, повишиха риска за тежка августовска криза в Италия и Испания. Лидерите на ЕС причиняват точно това, което се зарекоха да избегнат.
САЩ не могат да се изолират от последиците на стихийния гаф на европейския валутен съюз, но могат да снижат ефектите, като възстановят реда в собствената си политика. Фед вече е подсигурил известна защита, като е увеличил предварително финансовите си резерви. Институциите на американското правителство са жизнеспособни и все още функционират.
Можем само да се молим поне половината от атлантическата система да е достатъчно здрава и стабилна. Ако и двете се сринат заедно, купувайте си автомат и се гответе за 1932 г.
И мне кажется, что это самое главное достижение этого политического кризиса, независимо от того, чем он там, в конце концов, завершится. Дело в том, что экономический кризис в США намного опережал в своем развитии кризис идеологический. Тотальная пропаганда (степень тотальности которой мы сегодня можем наблюдать по репортажам из Ливии, когда становится видно, что в случае необходимости все крупные западные СМИ несут одновременно одну и ту же тотальную ложь) привела к тому, что подавляющая часть населения искренне убеждена, что настоящий кризис носит, как и ряд предыдущих, локальный, временный характер. Что это именно рецессия, а не структурный кризис, завершающий действие модели экономического развития.
И объяснить это даже не рядовым гражданам, а вполне себе адекватным экспертам, было практически невозможно. Специфика западной экспертной системы, в которой большинство составляют очень глубокие, но узкие специалисты, приводит к тому, что значительную часть информации они черпают из внешних источников, что делает их всех крайне уязвимым к пропагандистским приемам. В результате, каждый из них видит несоответствие общей пропагандисткой картины на своем узком участке, но при этом считает, что это локальное явление, не соответствующее общей картине мира.
Няма нужда да поясняваме, че времената не са нормални. Американската и европейската дългови кризи се подхранват една друга в опасен синхрон, като има опасения за фискално "внезапно спиране" във Вашингтон, водещо до глобални по-високи рискове и натрупващи се трусове в боновите пазари на Испания и Италия. Това е предвкусване на "катастрофата", предсказана от шефа на Федералния резерв Бен Бернанке, ако политиците не успеят да укротят страстите си...
Опасенията на повечето анализатори, откакто фундаментът на дълга на Запада започна да се срива преди четири години, бяха, че развръзката ще бъде повторение на средата на 1931 г., когато световните лидери не успяха да реформират разрушителна финансова система ("златния стандарт") и бушонът накрая гръмна в европейската банкова система. Тогава политическите грешки превърнаха рецесията в Голямата депресия, а идеологията отмъстително се намеси в ситуацията.
Тонът от 1931-а е добре познат. Франция тогава саботира спасението на виенската банка "Credit Anstalt" заради стратегически разминавания с Германия. Това пък отприщва финансова верижна реакция. Паникьосаните пазари започват да търсят слабите места на златния стандарт. Средствата от Великобритания се изтеглят, след като флотата се разбунтува заради понижените си заплати. Пораженията от тази паника достигат чак до Ню Йорк. Към октомври 1931 г. международната система вече се е сринала, въпреки че тоталният ужас не излиза на бял свят чак до следващата година. Редица държави се затварят в някакъв вид автокрация, фашизъм или и едното, и другото. В крайна сметка комунистите и нацистите заедно печелят повече от половината места в изборите за Райхстаг през юли 1932 г. Не е много ясно дали международният ред е по-сигурен сега, отколкото е бил в привидно спокойните дни на май 1931 г., така че е трудно да приемем с лека ръка безотговорното рисковано боричкане на Капитолийския хълм в последните дни.
Във всеки случай, вече е изключена каквато и да е форма на американски отказ от плащания. В краен случай Обама може да се възползва от 14-ата поправка в американската конституция, или да издаде директива за "катастрофални ситуации" в духа на Джордж Буш... Ако орязването на разходите продължи със същите темпове и през септември, то може да повлече серийни фалити от щати и взрив на американския общински бонов пазар на стойност $2.5 трлн. Сагата с банкрута на Джеферсън Каунти, Алабама, е ориентир какво предстои. Мериленд, Вирджиния, Южна Каролина, Ню Мексико и Тенеси вече са на път към понижаването на кредитния им рейтинг. Калифорния се наложи да си осигури спешен заем от $5 млрд. Невада харчи половината от данъчните си постъпления за разходи по обслужването на дълга, при Мичиган цифрата е 40%. Тези щати се държат с последни сили на ръба.
В Европа нещата всеки момент може да излязат извън контрол
Испанските и италианските бонове отново са на опасните нива отпреди срещата - и във всеки момент може да излязат от контрол, ако не се намеси краен заемодател, който да гарантира пазара. Европейската централна банка все още отказва да го стори, а Европейският фонд за финансова стабилност (EFSF) е законово възпрепятстван да го направи, освен ако всички национални парламенти ратифицират сделката от срещата на високо равнище, за да разширят правомощията му. Същевременно почти всички парламенти в момента са в лятна ваканция, а европейските лидери са заминали на почивка. Разполагащият с 440 млрд. евро EFSF така или иначе е твърде малък. Наблюдателите на боновите пазари като цяло са единодушни, че EFSF се нуждае поне от 2 трилиона евро предварителни резерви, за да предотврати двойна криза в Италия и Испания, въпреки че как точно Франция би могла да плати за измъкването им от водовъртежа, без сама да падне в него, остава отворен въпрос... Докато изтичат подробности от срещата на високо равнище на ЕС, можем вече да преценим, че Гърция няма да има облекчение на дълга, въпреки че е доведена до фалит. Citigroup обявиха, че нетният ефект от това ще повиши дълга на Гърция с допълнителни 4% от БВП, до над 160% догодина. Доколкото подобни нива на дълга очевидно са неудържими, изглежда Гърция ще се нуждае от трета спасителна интервенция.
ЕС причинява първия държавен фалит в Западна Европа от Втората световна война насам - и създава гибелен прецедент, без реално да решава гръцкия проблем. Колко по-зле от това може да бъде?
Неспособността на ЕС - или по-скоро нежеланието на Германия, Холандия и Финландия да изпълнят своята страна от членството в европейския валутен съюз, повишиха риска за тежка августовска криза в Италия и Испания. Лидерите на ЕС причиняват точно това, което се зарекоха да избегнат.
САЩ не могат да се изолират от последиците на стихийния гаф на европейския валутен съюз, но могат да снижат ефектите, като възстановят реда в собствената си политика. Фед вече е подсигурил известна защита, като е увеличил предварително финансовите си резерви. Институциите на американското правителство са жизнеспособни и все още функционират.
Можем само да се молим поне половината от атлантическата система да е достатъчно здрава и стабилна. Ако и двете се сринат заедно, купувайте си автомат и се гответе за 1932 г.
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