сряда, 23 май 2012 г.

Студена война

When the cold war ended Russia had 4650 nuclear warheads, which it could use to attack the USA in case that Russian and U.S. troops clashed someplace in the world and caused military conflict between Russia and the USA. Under such circumstances the USA did not have freedom to use their military force in the world arbitrarily. They needed to know that Russia will agree and will not send its troops to protect the invaded country. To reduce Russian military might and ultimately have free hand for use of military force in the world the USA used the dissolution of the Soviet Union to admit former members of Warsaw Pact to NATO and tried to draft there as well the former Soviet states. Their strategy was to eventually encircle Russia with U.S. military bases and deter Russia from opposing their military actions in the world. In 2003, using falsified information on the development of weapons of mass destruction and Iraqi cooperation on 9/11 attacks, they occupied, with Russian consent, Iraq, a country with fourth largest reserves of oil and in this way enabled the western oil companies, nationalized by Iraqi government in 1972, to return to Iraq. At the same time they accused Iran that it is building a nuclear weapon without presenting any conclusive evidence proving this accusation. If the USA managed to occupy Iran, the country with the third largest oil reserves , they would control most of the world states through their dependence on oil supplies from the middle eastern governments installed by the United States or cooperating with them. At present time the USA has its soldiers in Saudi Arabia (6,400), Kuwait (20,000), United Arab Emirates (500), Quatar (3,300), Oman (3,000) and Bahrain (6,400). If China and Russia agreed to the military action against Iran, China would depend on oil supplies from Iran, controled by the USA, and American soldiers would enter the state neighbouring former Soviet states, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkmenistan, enhancing the posibility that they would accept U.S. military bases on their territories. For that matter neither Russia nor China agreed to the American military action against Iran and thus U.S. military action was hindered by 4650 Russian nuclear warheads, which could hit U.S. territory in case of war between Russia and the USA over Iran.

No wonder that in 2006 the USA started negotiations with Poland and the Czech Republic to install anti ballistic missiles in Poland and radar base in the Czech Republic. The existence of the U.S. radar base in the Czech Republic, covering great part of Russian territory, would significantly reduce Russian ability to strike the American territory with nuclear weapons in case of clash between Russian and American armies. In April 2009 Russian deputy foreign ministr, Sergei Rybakov, told U.S. senator Carl Levin that the sites in Poland and the Czech Republic were part of a global MD architecture, which, when linked together, could almost "knock Russia out." (http://cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=09MOSCOW1111). If Russia could not use its nuclear force its army could not dare to oppose American military strike on Iran.

Since 2008 Russia was proposing European Security Treaty. The key elements Russia envisioned included non-use of force among members states, mutual assistance and security guarantees in case of an external threat, and cessation of military planning against each other. The proposal counted with participation of the USA and Canada (http://cablegatesearch.net/cable.php?id=08MOSCOW1904). USA (and Europe) did not accept this proposal from another democratic state, hoping that they will manage to gain military superiority over Russia and it will no more hinder their military actions in the world.
In 2008, during the presidential election campaign the democratic candidate Barack Obama promised to reduce the aggressiveness of the foreign policy of his predecessor George Bush. In winter 2009 Russia convinced the president of Kyrgyzstan to cancel the American air base in Manas, where American military aircraft lands on its way to and from Afghanistan and suggested that it could place bases for its strategic bombers in Cuba and Venezuela. As a result of this pressure the American president Obama wrote a secret letter to Russian president Medvedev. On March 3, 2009 the New York Times wrote that in this letter Barack Obama proposed president Medvedev to cancel plans for the American anti-ballistic missile shield in Europe in exchange for his help to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapon. After direct negotiations between the presidents, Barack Obama informed the Czech Republic that the USA will not build the radar base there and in 2010 Russia voted in the Security Council of the UN for the next round of sanctions against Iran. The airbase near Manas in Kyrgyzstan remained open for U.S. military aircraft. In the spring of 2010 the new START treaty between the United States and Russia was signed, reducing the number of nuclear warheads on both sides to 1550 and number of their carriers to 800 within the next 7 years. Those were the U.S. profits from the deal. But it still did not change the balance of power in the world.

At the end of the past year the International Atomic Energy Agency published a dubious report suggesting that Iran is developing nuclear weapon and western countries and Israel launched preparations for the attack on Iran. USA hoped to occupy another country rich in oil and gain control of majority of world oil supplies and in this way control economic growth of China, India and other nations, which would depend on the USA for their policies. But when China and Russia made clear that they would help Iran against the U.S. attack, the USA abandoned the idea, respecting the still great number of Russian nuclear warheads, which could hit them in case of the clash of Russian and American military.

The only remaining way to gain free hand for the U.S. military in the world and in Iran was to obliterate Russian ability of nuclear strike on the U.S. territory in case of clash of Russian and U.S. soldiers. No wonder that the last negotiations between USA and Russia on American anti-ballistic missile shield last month reached a dead end. On May 20 the NATO summit in Chicago is expected to announce activation of European missile shield. The planned system will include interceptor missiles based in Poland and Romania, a radar system in Turkey (again near the Russian territory) and missile defense capable warships at sea. Russian reaction was adequate. Russia's chief of defense staff, general Nikolai Makarov said: "A decision to use destructive force pre-emptively will be taken if the situation worsens" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-17937795. Such a strike on U.S. military installations, most probably, would start a world war. So the world is back to the 60's of the past century when the Soviet Union attempted to station its nuclear missiles next to the U.S. territory in Cuba. Let us hope the United States will understand that in modern times the military can not determine the international relations (let alone among democratic states) unless they want this world to be destroyed. Neither the invasion of Iraq, based on falsified information, nor torture of Iraqi and Afghan prisoners or the last attempt of IAEA (certainly inspired by the USA) to convince the world that Iran is actually developing nuclear weapon, can make anybody believe that the USA are working towards a just world. As a matter of fact it is still Russian nuclear capability which is deterring them from building an unjust world. We can only hope that in Chicago the NATO countries will not decide to build in Europe missile shield against Russian ballistic missiles. Decision to build this shield might only mean either an end to the validity of international law or a world war.
