Сегодня ночью в Венесуэле, на 59 году жизни скончался Уго Чавес. Правительство страны объявило семидневный траур в связи со смертью президента.
Глава венесуэльского МИДа Элиас Хауи сообщил о том, что похороны Чавеса пройдут в пятницу, 8 марта. Тело бывшего президента Венесуэлы до похорон будет находиться на территории Венесуэльской военной академии в Каракасе, куда оно будет перенесено из госпиталя, в котором Чавес провел последние две недели жизни. Место похорон пока еще не выбрано.
На официальную церемонию, которая состоится утром в пятницу, будет приглашен ряд лидеров стран Латинской Америки...
Вице-президент Венесуэлы Николас Мадуро объявил, что президентские выборы в связи с кончиной Уго Чавеса пройдут в течение 30 дней. Именно он будет исполнять обязанности главы государства до инаугурации следующего лидера.
Дорогие друзья, вчера я был потрясён известием о кончине Президента Уго Чавеса. Без сомнения, он был одним из величайших сыновей Латинской Америки. Он показал всему человечеству пример мужества в борьбе против агрессивной империалистической политики США и ответственности по отношению к своему народу. Чавес доказал, что "Перемены" - возможны, реальны.
Одна из фундаментальных установок Системы Гегемонии - заставить угнетённых людей поверить в то, что перемены к лучшему невозможны, и что они должны быть счастливы уже тем, что ситуация, в которой они существуют, не хуже, чем она есть сейчас! В XIX веке в своих колониальных владениях британский империализм пропагандировал среди угнетаемого им населения следующий лозунг: "Если всё бесполезно, - расслабься и получай удовольствие!" - что значило, даже если англо-саксонские лидеры превращают твою жизнь в ад и сплошное страдание, тебе всё равно не под силу это изменить. А потому постарайся принять происходящее, как оно есть, и этим довольствоваться.
Сегодня десятки тысяч людей на улицах Венесуэлы скандируют: "Мы - Чавес!". Это означает: хотя Чавеса больше нет с нами, его идеалы и путь, который он открыл и за который изо всех сил боролся, будут жить. Потому что люди, любящие его и верящие в его путь, сохранят живыми и его имя, и его идеалы. Вот почему настоящие герои не умирают никогда.
On March 5, 2013, Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela and world leader against imperialism, died. Washington imperialists and their media and think-tank whores expressed gleeful sighs of relief as did the brainwashed US population. An "enemy of America" was gone.
Chavez was not an enemy of America. He was an enemy of Washington's hegemony over other countries, an enemy of Washington's alliance with elite ruling cliques who steal from the people they grind down and deny sustenance. He was an enemy of Washington's injustice, of Washington's foreign policy based on lies and military aggression, bombs and invasions.
Washington is not America. Washington is Satan's home town.
Chavez was a friend of truth and justice, and this made him unpopular throughout the Western World where every political leader regards truth and justice as dire threats.
Chavez was a world leader. Unlike US politicians, Chavez was respected throughout the non-western world. He was awarded honorary doctorates from China, Russia, Brazil, and other countries, but not from Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, and Oxford.
Chavez was a miracle. He was a miracle, because he did not sell out to the United States and the Venezuelan elites. Had he sold out, Chavez would have become very rich from oil revenues, like the Saudi Royal Family, and he would have been honored by the United States in the way that Washington honors all its puppets: with visits to the White House. He could have become a dictator for life as long as he served Washington.
Each of Washington's puppets, from Asia to Europe and the Middle East, anxiously awaits the invitation that demonstrates Washington's appreciation of his or her servitude to the global imperialist power that still occupies Japan and Germany 68 years after World War II and South Korea 60 years after the end of the Korean War and has placed troops and military bases in a large number of other "sovereign" countries.
It would have been politically easy for Chavez to sell out. All he had to do was to continue populist rhetoric, promote his allies in the army, throw more benefits to the underclass than its members had ever previously experienced, and divide the rest of the oil revenues with the corrupt Venezuelan elites.
But Chavez was a real person, like Rafael Correa, the three-term elected president of Ecuador, who stood up to the United States and granted political asylum to the persecuted Julian Assange; and Evo Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia since the Spanish conquest. The majority of Venezuelans understood that Chavez was a real person. They elected him to four terms as president and would have continued electing him as long as he lived. What Washington hates most is a real person who cannot be bought.
The more the corrupt western politicians and media whores demonized Chavez, the more Venezuelans loved him. They understood completely that anyone damned by Washington was God's gift to the world.
It is costly to stand up to Washington. All who are bold enough to do so are demonized. They risk assassination and being overthrown in a CIA-organized coup, as Chavez was in 2002. When CIA-instructed Venezuelan elites sprung their coup and kidnapped Chavez, the coup was overthrown by the Venezuelan people who took to the streets and by elements of the military before Chavez could be murdered by the CIA-controlled Venezuelan elites, who escaped with their own venal lives only because, unlike them, Chavez was humanitarian. The Venezuelan people rose in instantaneous and massive public defense of Chavez and put the lie to the Bush White House claim that Chavez was a dictator.
Showing its sordid corruption, the New York Times took the side of the undemocratic coup by a handful of elitists against the democratically elected Chavez, and declared that Chavez's removal by a small group of rich elites and CIA operatives meant that "Venezuelan democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be dictator."
The lies and demonization continue with Chavez's death. He will never be forgiven for standing up for justice. Neither will Correa and Morales, both of whom are no doubt on assassination lists...